• DOGE Just Keeps Deleting Its Savings
    By AJ Dellinger Published March 3, 2025 | Comments (0) | Elon Musk at a cabinet meeting with Donald Trump in the White House. White House / Flickr You would think the Department of Government Efficiency, the agency that is supposedly auditing the entirety of the federal government for waste, would know to keep its receipts in order. And yet, for some reason, the agency has repeatedly had to pull examples of so-called savings down after it was revealed that it actually didnt save taxpayers anything. The latest instance of this savings bait and switch came over the weekend, when the agency led by Elon Muskbut not really, but like lets be real, it ischanged or removed more than 40% of the more than 1,000 contracts it claimed to have canceled over the previous week, according to the New York Times. Included in that overnight alteration was the outright removal of five of the seven largest contracts it claimed to have cut. To give the DOGE crew, which includes a bunch of edgelords who have to use a fake ID to get a beer, some credit, this actually represents an improvement over its previous record. The week prior, it had to remove all five of its largest claimed savings after the slightest bit of research revealed that the supposedly canceled contracts were being misrepresented. The most recent examples of the agencys revisions included a $1.9 billion contract for IRS tech support that, while DOGE took credit for it, had actually been canceled in November by the Biden administration. A $133 million contract from USAID work in Libya was also canceled the year prior and had nothing to do with DOGE. And a $149 million contract that was supposedly for administrative assistants at the Department of Health and Human Services but linked to a completely different contract with a completely different company and a completely different amount also got trashed from the savings list, per the Times. You can go ahead and add those oopsies to the existing list of mistakes, including the major blunder of entering an $8 million contract as an $8 billion savings, a $655 million cut to USAID that DOGE counted three times for some reason, and a supposed $232 million cut at the Social Security Administration that actually only cut a $560,000 provision within the larger contract.The hits just keep on coming for the agency that is supposed to be keeping track of government spending. Elon Musk did say that DOGE will make mistakes, but its starting to feel like thats actually the main feature of its operation rather than a bug. According to the New York Times reporting, DOGEs initial claims of saving $16 billion last week have already shrunk to under $9 billion with the updatesand thats taking the agency at its word that all the other contracts it cut are in fact correct. Pair that with NPRs research that $46.5 billion of the agencys first $55 billion of savings reported had no specifically documented source, and you start to wonder just how much of the whole operation is accomplishing anything.Meanwhile, do we have any idea what the cost of running DOGE is? Not sure the math adds up here.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Lucas Ropek Published March 3, 2025 By Matt Novak Published March 3, 2025 By Matthew Gault Published March 3, 2025 By Matt Novak Published March 3, 2025 By Isaac Schultz Published February 28, 2025 By Matt Novak Published February 28, 2025
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  • Disney Shelves The Princess and the Frog Sequel Series Tiana
    Walt Disney Animation Studios has unexpectedly opted to cancel anticipated Disney+ sequel series Tiana, which would have continued the adventures of characters from The Princess and the Frog. The upsetting move comes as rollbacks have occurred at the studio, and it also comes in the wake of a shift away from diversity in other projects, including a transgender storyline being cut from PixarsWin or Loseseries. The Princess and the Frog series would have brought back film star Anika Noni Rose to continue Princess Tianas journey as New Orleans royalty going on new musical adventuresbuilding her culinary empire as an empowered Black woman restauranteur, as seen in the 2D animated films ending and on Disney Experiences newly opened theme park ride Tianas Bayou Adventure. Insiders close to Tianas production told the Hollywood Reporter that despite best efforts, including several changes to the creative team, Tiana ultimately could not get to where it needed to be given production costs, and that the decision was made in alignment with the Disney and Pixars choice to stop development on long-form episodic series for their streamer. The sources said the animation studios focus would instead shift to developing a separate short-form special inspired by The Princess and the Frog, which is currently in early development. This project currently has Joyce Sherri attached as director and writer and Steve Anderson as co-director. Its also described as being a new story inspired by the film, which we hope isnt just revisiting events of the movie we didnt get to see. Tiana deserves to have her story to move forward, including all the magic and even bigger dreams in New Orleans. The best-case scenario is that this move is inspired by Moana 2s pivot from series to film which paid off handsomely for Disney Studios. Last years sequel to Moana made over $1 billion at the global box office and is poised to hit high streaming numbers once it arrives on Disney+.So while the news of Tiana being canceled is disheartening, perhaps it signals a step toward a feature-length release? Well be wishing on stars holding on to the hope that Tianawill get the royal treatment with a big-screen sequel our princess truly deserves. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • Candy-colored atoms shine in new image of the Veil Nebula
    As it nears 35 consecutive years of space service, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has taken another look at a famous supernova remnant. The Veil Nebula is roughly 2,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It is the remnants of a star that was roughly 20 times as big as our sun and exploded about 10,000 years ago.This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of a supernova remnant called the Veil Nebula. Blue, red, and yellow colors mix together, showing light emitted by different types of atoms in the hot gas.CREDIT: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Sankrit ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. SankritThis colorful new view combines images that were taken in three different filters by Hubbles Wide Field Camera 3 and highlights hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms. It is showing only a tiny fraction of the Veil Nebula, which is roughly as wide as six of Earths moons placed side by side. Hubble has previously snapped images of this nebula in 1994, 1997, and 2015.Images of the Veil Nebula taken in November 1994 and again in August 1997. CREDIT:NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration; Acknowledgment: J. Hester (Arizona State University) This view is a mosaic of six Hubble pictures of a small area roughly two light-years across, covering only a tiny fraction of the nebulas vast structure. The images were taken April 14-17, 2015. CREDIT: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Project. This newimage was taken at a single point in time, but still helps astronomers understand how it has evolved over the past three decades. Combining this image with Hubble observations that were taken in 1994 reveal how individual knots and filaments of gas move over time.This year, space enthusiasts can also take part in NASA and the Astronomical Leagues Hubbles Night Sky Challenge. Each month, Hubble scientists will release the following months list of objects for astrophotographers to photograph. All of the targets from the challenge are visible from Earth, primarily with a telescope or binoculars. The challenge has previously asked observers to observe M1 the Crab Nebula and C39 the Clown Nebula.For March, skygazers in the Northern Hemisphere are encouraged to look at M44 (aka the Beehive Cluster), the open cluster M48, M67 or the King Cobra/Golden Eye Cluster, and the spiral galaxy C48. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are encouraged to look for planetary nebula C90 in addition to the four cosmic objects listed for the Northern Hemisphere.Since it first launched on April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has taken more than 1.5 million observations and been featured in over 20,000 scientific papers.The post Candy-colored atoms shine in new image of the Veil Nebula appeared first on Popular Science.
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  • Vicious invasive ants form gigantic supercolonies
    An argentine ant is farming aphids on a young leaf.Image: George D. Lepp/Getty Images ShareThe next time youre outside, look down. Odds are, you might spot one of Earths estimated 20 quadrillion ants scurrying around. Depending on where you are, you may detect an Argentine ant. It might not look like much, measuring on average just 1/16th of an inch long. But research suggests these little, highly successful invasive critters are having an outsized effect on their environment.It shouldnt be surprising that ants are an important part of many ecosystems. Depending on the species, they can be hunters that keep other insects populations in check, scavengers that help in decomposition, and pollinators that aid in flower reproduction. Ants can also play a key role in dispersing plant seeds: many feed on tasty (to them) oils on the seed coating, but leave the germinating part of the seeds intact, allowing new plants to sprout.That balance is a delicate one. Even a seemingly minute switch, such as an invading army of a new species of ants coming in and replacing them through a brutal war writ small, can lead to cascading effects. While its been long known that Argentine ants are altering landscapes around the world, a recent study, published in Functional Ecology, is shedding light on exactly how those aftereffects occur.Invasion of the Argentine antsFor the study, researchers from the United Kingdoms Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew studied several areas of a nature reserve in South Africas Cape Floral Region, an area known for a high degree of biodiversity and an outsize number of endemic flora species. Some areas had been found to have an Argentine ant presence, while the invasive ants were absent from others. Importantly, in areas where Argentine ants had moved in, they had tended to completely displace the native species.What we wanted to contribute with this study was to really understand, when you have more than one invasive plant species and its a species that is co-evolved to to have a relationship with ants, how does that affect their reproduction? said Adam Devensh, a research fellow at the gardens who worked on the study.Twice a day for each week, the scientists would place seeds from both invasive and local species of plants in predetermined spots in each of those sectors. After three hours, they went back and collected any seeds that hadnt been collected, tallying them up.They then compared the rate of seed dispersal for both native and invasive plant species in each of the sectors, comparing the numbers between areas with Argentine ants, and areas with none.Devenesh and his colleagues werent surprised by what they found. While the native species had long been adapted to their environment, Argentine ants have different dietary preferences and, therefore, different behavior. In areas where the Argentine ants had made themselves at home, they found fewer seeds in total were getting spread around, which makes sense, since Argentine ants arent known to feed on seeds as a primary food source. But the seeds they did feed on were overwhelmingly from invasive plants, such as acacia trees: the ants were three times more likely to pick those up than seeds from native plants.In the time we studied, there was less dispersal, and that was just in terms of the volume of seeds dispersed, said Devenesh. Theres also a lot of evidence in the literature to suggest, for example, that the Argentine ants cant disperse in the same distance. So theres definitely less dispersal happening.The large and seemingly small impact of the antsFrom the vantage point of a human, this might seem like small potatoes (or bird feed, if you will). Indeed, as Devensh acknowledged, the actual impact of Argentine ants on human beings are quite benign.They dont really impact you, he added. They dont sting. Theyre too small to bite you. And so to most people, they would seem the same as a black garden ant. Theyre quite inconspicuous.However, shrink down to seed level, and the impact grows. Seeds turn into plants. If enough invasive plants grow, soon enough, the whole ecosystem can be thrown into chaos.At an ecological level, theyre quite detrimental, said Devensh, because they can just overwhelm the system.While the system changes might eventually affect other creatures in the local food web, other implications can be even more immediate, and more devastating. Acacias tend to form dense clusters, which can spread fire more quickly.In many ways in our system, acacias are probably more detrimental than the ants, by altering fire regimes, said Devensh.The findings are all the more alarming because of how pervasive Argentine ants have become. As their name suggests, the ants were originally discovered in that country, but less than a century and a half since the first invasive colonies were found outside Argentina, theyve become truly global. The ants are now found in Mediterranean climate zones on all six continents, from South America to Japan, to Hawaii and California, to New Zealand, to Portugal, Italy, and Spain.While their arrival in these disparate locales was made possible by human-made transportation, they have some innate characteristics that are responsible for their success. According to the Center for Invasive Species Research, the ants have no known predators that would help control their spread. They also get a boost from the fact that Argentine ants dont attack other Argentine ants. Rather than competing with each other, different colonies have essentially combined to form gigantic supercolonies.Super colonies, which lack genetic diversity, results in less competition between Argentine ant colonies, so that enables them to spend more time foraging and a lot less time acting in aggressive behavior to defend territories, like they normally would be doing in Argentina, said Mark Hoddle, a professor of the University of California, Riverside who specializes in invasive pests.The ants other big advantageArgentine ants are just super efficient, added Hoddle. Theyre very good at building up in large numbers, very good at finding resources and then essentially overwhelming that resource with incredibly efficient foraging behavior.While Argentine ants have shown a remarkable ability to infiltrate and thrive on a planetary level, they do have their vulnerabilities. Hoddle said he has seen some success running experiments in citrus orchards that aimed to target the colonies with relatively low-toxic substances.Liquid baiting programs are extremely effective at controlling Argentine ants, he said. The way that those control programs arrive is that you put out a sugar water resource for them, 25 percent sucrose solution is ideal, they love that. Then you put an ultra-small amount of insecticide. They drink that material, they take it back to the nest. At least in infested citrus orchards, within a day, those colonies are collapsing and foraging worker ant numbers are falling significantly.Devenesh said he hopes that other researchers will take a cue from his research. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are more than 6,700 invasive species in the United States alone. High profile examples include the spotted lanternfly, which has spread to 18 states and is so pervasive in New York, that residents are encouraged to squash them on sight. While the primary effects of such invasions can be obvious, as some species are notorious pests, their downstream effects on the environment can often be more opaque.The bigger picture is more that we need to perhaps expand how we look at the effects of invasive species, beyond looking at the direct effects, said Devenesh. We tend to focus very much on the direct effects, and we tend to not study the sort of indirect effects. I think, in a way, that means we might be underestimating the impacts of these species if we just take them at face value, to some extent.
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  • China research on next-generation computer chips is double the US output
    Nature, Published online: 03 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00666-3Leading efforts in fields such as optical physics could stymie US export controls designed to stifle the countrys microchip industry.
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  • 'Extraordinary' timber circle discovered in Denmark is roughly the same age as Stonehenge
    Archaeologists in Denmark have discovered the remains of a large timber circle that may be contemporaneous with England's Woodhenge and Stonehenge.
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  • 'Einstein's equations need to be refined': Tweaks to general relativity could finally explain what lies at the heart of a black hole
    Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of general relativity could finally do away with them, and explain what truly lies at the heart of a black hole.
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  • Walkin
    submitted by /u/BugExternal [link] [comments]
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  • This Fun Long Telekinetic Ray Made for Game Is Definitely Not What It Looks Like
    When you put a long mass somewhere between your characters legs or whatnot to grab and drag people, it is bound to create certain associations in viewers minds. But no, this purple ray of sunshine is not what you think, its creator Ethan Birch, also known as Tito, insists.His project is actually a gravity gun, apparently, which he made for debugging in his game. However, he soon had to explain his creation.Guys its not a penis i swear it isnt it is not a penis guys stop calling it a penis, his next post said.Well, whatever it is, Birch got lots of visibility from these two tweets, which should help him promote his game called PIGFACE, a lo-fi PS1-like shooter he is making.It has a combat demo, so try it out from the link above and follow the developer on X/Twitter for more.Also, join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post This Fun Long Telekinetic Ray Made for Game Is Definitely Not What It Looks Like appeared first on CG SHARES.
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