• Why Blender Took Over the 3D World
    post apocalypse assets: https://blendermarket.com/products/archexteriors-vol-45-for-blender?ref=311 plant and vegetation wind generator: https://gumroad.com/products/rzsvs/?a=742446579 BoxCutter https://blendermarket.com/products/hard-ops--boxcutter-ultimate-bundle?ref=311 Decal Machine https://blendermarket.com/products/decalmachine?ref=311 Interniq library https://blendermarket.com/products/interniq?ref=311 interior collections https://blendermarket.com/products/archinteriors-43?ref=311 Simply Cloth addon https://blendermarket.com/products/simply-cloth?ref=311 the city generator: https://blendermarket.com/products/the-city-generator?ref=311 Skyline Ukiyo collection https://blendermarket.com/products/skyline-ukiyo-modern-metropolis---modern-cities-kitbash-greeble-assets?ref=311 Grunge Factory https://blendermarket.com/products/grunge-factory-decayed-assemblies---industrial-kitbash-greeble-assets?ref=311 Grid Armada military base collection https://blendermarket.com/products/grid-armada-military-base---classic-military-structures-kitbash-greeble-assets?ref=311 Geometry Nodes course https://www.udemy.com/course/mastering-geometry-nodes-in-blender/?couponCode=BESTOFFER Houdini for blender artists https://www.udemy.com/course/houdini-for-every-artist/?couponCode=TOPCHANNEL1ON1
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  • Create Custom Presets - Boris FX Optics Quick Tips
    Streamline your workflow in Boris FX Optics by creating and managing custom presets. See step-by-step on how to save parameter settings as custom presets, making it easy to apply your favorite effects consistently. Youll discover how to name, organize, and locate your presets, plus tips for sharing them with others. // K E Y P O I N T S //* Custom Presets Creation: Save your parameter settings as reusable presets.* Easy Organization: Automatically add presets to the Custom tab and alphabetical filter categories.* Searchable Metadata: Add optional information to help you locate presets quickly.* Accessible Storage: Locate custom presets on disk via the presets window.* Preset Sharing: Easily share your custom presets with others for collaboration.For more Optics tips and training, visit borisfx.com or join the Discord channel.// U S E F U L L I N K S //Find out what Optics has to offer: https://borisfx.com/products/optics/ Learn all Optics with free videos : https://borisfx.com/videos/?tags=product:Optics&amp ;amp;search= // D I S C O R D C H A N N E L //https://www.borisfxdiscord.com/ #optics #photography #borisfx
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  • Using Snap Mask - Boris FX Optics Quick Tips
    Get precision masking with the Snap Mask in Boris FX Optics. Mask faster by combining intuitive selections with editable paths. Use simple strokes, to define and refine selections, adjust challenging edges, and seamlessly convert your work into an editable path. // K E Y P O I N T S //* Intuitive Selections: Mark foregrounds and backgrounds with simple strokes to create accurate selections.* Edge Refinement: Use the Override Edge tool for fine-tuning tough edges with smooth transitions.* Editable Paths: Easily convert selections into paths for further customization and masking.* Dynamic Adjustments: Add strokes incrementally for progressive refinement without starting over.* Seamless Integration: Apply Snap Mask directly to layers in Boris FX Optics for streamlined editing.// U S E F U L L I N K S //Find out what Optics has to offer: https://borisfx.com/products/optics/ Learn all Optics with free videos : https://borisfx.com/videos/?tags=product:Optics&amp ;amp;search= // D I S C O R D C H A N N E L //https://www.borisfxdiscord.com/ #optics #photography #borisfx
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  • Creating Stylized Cartoon Animation in Cascadeur
    In this video we quickly demonstrate how you can create a stylized cartoonish animation in Cascadeur while still taking full advantage of the physics tools. Often times AutoPhysics is associated with realism only and we are happy to disprove that, since Cascadeur has all the necessary tools to have full control over any result you getLearn more about Cascadeur license plans: https://cascadeur.com/plans Learn how to start using Cascadeur: https://cascadeur.com/learn Join our English-speaking community on Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Ymwjhpn Follow us on:Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CascadeurEN/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Cascadeur_soft #Animation #Cartoon #Baqir #gamedev
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  • Feeling Spiteful May Make a Person More Susceptible to Conspiracy Theories
    Spite takes many forms. You might take a little longer at the self-checkout when someone is waiting. You might increase the TV volume when someone complains about the sound. And you might turn to conspiracy theories. According to a new study in the Journal of Social Issues, thats a distinct possibility, as spitefulness plays an important part in conspiracy thinking. Spite is the desire to level the playing field by trying to knock someone else down, said David Gordon, a study author and a researcher and lecturer at the University of Staffordshire, in a press release. Conspiracy theories can serve as a way for individuals to satisfy this desire through rejecting expert opinion and scientific consensus.Spiting and Rejecting ScienceWhenever we deliberately dismiss an evidence-based explanation for an event or a series of events in favor of an implausible, illogical, or baseless explanation, we are exhibiting a belief in a conspiracy theory. Such beliefs are always popular at least 50 percent of people in the U.S. accepts at least one of them and are particularly prevalent in times of trouble, like in wars or worldwide pandemics.Often, these beliefs are based on a denial of science, whether thats the specific dismissal of climate change or vaccination safety or the broader dismissal of scientists and their work as a whole. But what pushes people to these rejections, whether theyre specific or broad?To find out, the authors of the new study turned to spite basically, the desire to harm, or to displease, distress, or offend, others. Working with a total of 1,000 participants, they found that their participants levels of spite and conspiracy thinking were linked. While individuals with low levels of spite tended to exhibit lower levels of conspiracy thinking, individuals with high levels of spite tended to exhibit higher levels of conspiracy thinking. Spiteful psychological motives tend to emerge when people feel at a competitive disadvantage, often when we feel uncertain, threatened, or undervalued, Gordon said in the release, with conspiracy theories appearing to soothe those feelings, partly through the rejection of science.Spite and Conspiracy TheoriesIn addition to the link between spite and conspiracy-theory belief, the study authors also found that those two factors were tied to three traditional indicators of conspiracy thinking: a desire for understanding (that is, an epistemic desire), a desire for security (an existential desire), and a desire for social significance (a social desire).Though spite mediated the connection between conspiracy thinking and all three indicators, the associations between spite, conspiracy thinking, and the desire to understand the world were the strongest, suggesting that changes in science communication could combat the spread of these theories. We are not suggesting that people consciously choose to be spiteful when believing and spreading conspiracy theories, said Megan Birney, another study author and a professor at the University of Birmingham, according to the release. Instead, our findings suggest that feelings of disadvantage in those three areas can provoke a common psychological spiteful response, one that makes individuals more receptive to believing conspiracy theories.According to the study authors, the results suggest that changes to science communication arent the only solution to conspiracy thinking, as any attempts to combat conspiracy theories should also combat the social and economic conditions that cause people to feel a lack of understanding, a lack of security, and a lack of social significance in their day-to-day lives. If we understand conspiracy beliefs as a manifestation of spite a reaction to real or perceived social and economic disadvantage then tackling misinformation is inseparable from addressing broader societal issues such as financial insecurity and inequality, Gordon said in the release.Read More: Debunking 3 Common Climate Change MythsArticle SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Journal of Social Issues. Spite and Science-Denial: Exploring the Role of Spitefulness in Conspiracy Ideation and COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs.American Journal of Political Science. Conspiracy Theories and the Paranoid Style(s) of Mass OpinionSam Walters is a journalist covering archaeology, paleontology, ecology, and evolution for Discover, along with an assortment of other topics. Before joining the Discover team as an assistant editor in 2022, Sam studied journalism at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
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    Take a closer look at Arcane's characters, props, environments, and concepts in this collection of behind-the-scenes content from its artists.More: https://80.lv/articles/art-dump-have-a-look-at-arcane-characters-concepts-props/
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  • 3D Animator Josu Jnior showcased this amazing firebending animation inspired by Avatar: the Last Airbender. See more: https://80.lv/articles/take-...
    3D Animator Josu Jnior showcased this amazing firebending animation inspired by Avatar: the Last Airbender.See more: https://80.lv/articles/take-a-look-at-this-incredible-avatar-inspired-firebending-animation/
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