• Severance Season 2s Penultimate Episode Just Changed Everything We Know About the Procedure
    This article contains spoilers for Severance Season 2 so far, including its penultimate episode Sweet Vitriol. Season 2 of Severance has delivered up to this point, with the series firing on all cylinders since its long-awaited return back in February. However, theres been a distinct lack of Patricia Arquettes Harmony Cobel. The shows lead-in to the Season 2 finale changes all of that, giving us a Cobel-centric episode that rearranges everything we knew about the severance procedure up to this point. The episode brings an end to Cobels road trip, finding her in a sleepy coastal town long past its heyday. Everything we see is decrepit, up to and including the Lumon factory that saved the town before slowly killing it. We get a glimpse at the former leader of Macrodata Refinements childhood, confirming that Lumon was into child labor well before the introduction of the severed floors Miss Huang (Sarah Bock). Cobels mother died a tragic death in this town, while her fellow child laborers grew to adulthood addicted to ether and with nowhere to go once the work dried up. Those left remain loyal to Kier, with the exception of James Le Gross character Hampton, who seems to have grown to hate Lumon long before Cobel joined the party. Hampton helps Cobel make it to her childhood home undiscovered Kier is always watching, after all and its here that she finds what she was looking for: a notebook that blows the lid off the entire damn series. PlayEarlier this season, when she was staring down Helena Eagan (Britt Lower), Cobel implied that Lumon owed her. She was, in fact, quite adamant about it, willing to let go of decades of work and spit in the face of the non-offer for her to take a position outside of the severed floor. In Sweet Vitriol we learn why: it wasnt an Eagan who created the severance procedure, but Harmony Cobel herself. Turns out that her adamance was justified after all. This also means that Devons (Jen Tullock) instincts were right when it came to calling Cobel about her concerns about Mark (Adam Scott), even if it was ill-advised due to Cobels previous allegiances. There is, in fact, no one more suited to ensure Mark survives re-integration than Harmony Cobel. But the real question remains: whose side is she actually on? On the one hand, hell hath no fury like a longtime loyal laborer who realizes how exploited theyve been over the years. On the other, Cobel has been indoctrinated in the Kier cult her whole life. Was her lifes work being stolen from her enough to actually bring her to help Mark?What to Watch on Apple TV+Moreover, what does this revelation mean for the mystery surrounding Gemma? Lumon operates on a need to know basis, with each of their departments being distinctly siloed from one another, but Mark and Gemmas fates seem intrinsically intertwined in a way that extends beyond their love for one another. It stands to reason that Cobel doesnt just know what happened to Gemma and where she is now, but that she spearheaded the whole thing from the beginning. Marks illness seems likely to delay Cold Harbors completion, but will that matter if the other macrodata refiners are showing up for work? That doesnt seem to be the case, considering Lumons insistence on keeping him around, but hes going to have to return to work eventually either way, if only to bust Gemma out of her cell.Like all revelations in Severance, learning this information about Cobel sparks a number of major questions even beyond what weve already discussed here. For instance, will Cobel make it out of this season alive? Shes got enemies on all sides and Lumon has made it clear that they arent worried about silly things like laws. However, itd be a significant blow to the series to lose her character so soon, especially after weve missed her much of Season 2. Redemption followed by death is a longstanding storytelling trope, but heres hoping the shows writers choose to subvert that in favor of keeping one of the series most interesting characters alive. More from the Severed FloorAt any rate, Severance Season 2s penultimate episode may have shifted gears a bit, but its still servicing the overarching mystery in very meaningful ways. This Cobel revelation could mean major things for all of MDR, and expands the universe significantly by introducing new corners of the globe that Lumon has destroyed. This expansion matters because we won't be stuck on the same mystery forever, and there is enough meat on the bones of the Kier cult story to keep this going and, most importantly, interesting for a very long time. See you back on the severed floor for next weeks Season 2 finale.
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  • I Went Mad and Killed Everyone in Atomfall
    Join me on a violent journey through the English countryside, AKA: 90 minutes with Atomfall, the new survival-action game from Sniper Elite developer, Rebellion. I recently visited a pub in North London to have a pint and some hands-on playtime, and came away intrigued by Atomfalls open-ended approach to mission design and eerie tone. I also may have lost my mind and decided to attack everyone I saw, including an old lady who likely didnt deserve it, with a cricket bat. Let me explain why. Every NPC in Atomfall can be killed, from the lowliest grunt to the most important quest-giver. As I sit down to start the demo, I decide that my mission is to test that design. Ill admit that my approach is inelegant; barely two minutes into my exploration of this digital Cumbria, I clumsily activate a tripwire alarm that results in me having to end the lives of three alerted guards. I do so with the blunt face of a cricket bat, a hefty chunk of wood thats Christened as my murder partner with a liberal splash of claret.PlayI later loot a bow and arrow, and being the glutton for archery in games that I am, I quickly equip it. Now Im set for long and short-range encounters, and so can let Mr. Cricket Bat take a well-earned rest. Nearby, I spot a hulking wicker man, towering over me and waiting to be set alight. I'm not going near that. I've seen how that story ends. Sights like this nod to the folk horror undertones that serve as the bedrock for this region of Atomfall's segmented world, which is made up of multiple open zones. It generates a convincingly uneasy atmosphere that only feeds into the larger mystery Im trying to crack: what exactly happened here in this sleepy, now irradiated corner of England? My thoughts about such a mystery are interrupted by a rabble of druids, who presumably have something to do with that wicker man. They prove the perfect range finders for my newly-acquired bow. One. Two. Three. They all fall down. "I'M ROBIN BLOODY HOOD", my brain shouts to itself, before I snap out of it and back into my London pub surroundings. I havent had a drink yet, I promise. Its only 10am.The bow feels good to fire. But Im more interested in Atomfalls smart approach to stamina. A traditional depleting and regenerating bar is nowhere to be found, instead replaced by a heart rate monitor that increases the more you perform physically taxing actions. Sprinting for an extended period will push you well over 140 bpm, for example, making it harder for you to aim steadily and accurately if you suddenly have to stop and fight. Later, I find a Bow Mastery skill manual that unlocks a perk that negates the impact a heightened heartbeat has on drawing the bowstring back. Its not exactly the most exciting perk, and a browse through the menus suggests Atomfall doesnt boast the most complex skill tree suite. However, it does seem malleable enough to tailor your characters skills to a gameplay style of your choosing if, for example, youd prefer to specialise in stealth over gunplay.Atomfall screenshotsWith my only achievement so far being a bunch of dead druids, you may rightfully be wondering what my overall goal is here. And, to an extent, so was I. Aimless exploration of the Casterfall Woods region had yet to unearth anything significant, so I follow my only quest lead: a note pointing me in the direction of a herbalist, Mother Jago, who lives near an old mine. Along the way I spot allusions to the greater story at play, as a shimmering, oily swirl of blues and purples hovers over a power plant the apparent cause of Britain's descent into the post-apocalypse. Nearby, a phone box rings and a creepy voice warns me to stay out of the woods. Its too late for that, but thanks for the call anyway.The path is littered with similar small environmental story touches, such as an old boathouse rigged with an unsettling alarm system, the words get lost painted across it a warning the nearby mound of skulls and bones seemingly didnt heed. Theres an enjoyably uneasy vibe around every corner of Atomfall, with sleepy, leafy forests giving way to creepy zones of terror. Plenty of Fallout comparisons have been made ever since its reveal, but I think Stalker and its recent sequel is a far more apt touchstone, both in terms of tone and game design.Reminds me of classic point-and-click adventures in the way youre encouraged to explore every corner of conversation in search of a hint.Following another druid massacre in which I butcher them and loot their garden center home for herbs (a quick-thyme event, if you will) I meet Mother Jago at her quaint allotment retreat. Dressed in a plum-coloured coat and animal skull and rose-laden hat, she resembles Angela Lansbury if shed got big into black magic aromatherapy instead of crime solving. But my hopes that she could make Atomfalls opaque mystery any clearer are immediately dashed she gives only vague answers to my questions, despite exhausting every dialogue option as I dig for clues as to where to go next. This reminds me of classic point-and-click adventures in the way youre encouraged to explore every corner of conversation in search of a hint. Eventually, a door is opened: Jago offers what she promises to be valuable information in exchange for the safe return of her herbalism book. A book that is, of course, not in a library, but held hostage at the druids fortified castle. So, with a new lead in my notebook, I traipse back across the map in search of recipes and the druid blood protecting it.Atomfalls freeform design means Im able to approach from any angle, and so I decide to attack the castle from the side. As I make my way there I encounter a druid patrol near an abandoned petrol station. The surely soon-to-be-considered historic Battle of the Forecourt kicks off as I lob my only grenade into the middle of them. The enemy AI isnt the most reactive, rarely darting for cover or really engaging in any evasive maneuvers, but the satisfying eruption of blood and bits of bone does alert a couple of archers from further down the road. I put a halt to their advance with a nail bomb and then proceed to slalom their arrows, quickly closing the distance so that I can snap ones neck before getting my trusty bat out for another round of head-smashing. Theres definitely fun to be had playing around with these enemies, but from the small sample Ive had so far, I wouldnt go into Atomfall looking for top-tier combat. Instead, it seems wise to treat enemy encounters more like a fun sideshow to the main event of discovering the worlds secrets.PlayAfter sniping a couple of axe-wielding brutes I make it inside the castles outer walls. There I stumble across a locked hut. A note printed with a set of map coordinates pinned to its door suggests that the keys are far away to the southeast. Atomfall doesnt believe in objective markers, instead leaving it up to you to study your map and place down markers on points of interest yourself. Could this locked hut be where the book is hidden? Do I need to go on a quest for this key? My hunch tells me no, and I instead walk up to the central keeps big front doors.Once inside, I find a few more druids to club, but no sign of the book. I hunt around its dank hallways, finding nothing but cloth and alcohol to craft healing bandages with. I spend a good ten minutes searching every corner, but no luck. Its a further example of Atomfalls obtuse approach to mission design. You wont have your hand held here, and the book wont glow gold with a big pick me up sign attached. While it can lead to moments of frustration, I find myself ultimately encouraged by Rebellions approach to make something that challenges the player and sticks stubbornly to its explorative, almost detective-like vision.I find myself ultimately encouraged by Rebellions approach to make something that challenges the player.So, with the book nowhere in sight, I decide to follow the paper trail and head to those map coordinates in search of the keys I previously read about. Perhaps this would unlock my path forward? The coordinates lead me into the den of a poison plant monster thing that seems to boil my brain if I spend too long near it. Rifle bullets make minimal impact, and theres little I can do to prevent my quick death. I reload my save and use my Skyrim bunny-hopping muscle memory to bypass the beast, leaping down a rock face to collect the keys from one of the creatures earlier victims. I head back to the hut, where I find a shiny new perk point and a smattering of ammo. As youll no doubt be aware, none of these items resemble the herbalism book that Im trying to find.Forlorn and slightly lost, I venture under the castle and deep into its bowels, where the druids concoct their rituals and chemical-fuelled practices. I kill the High Priestess and about a dozen of her lackeys, find an SMG, a recipe for crafting poison bombs, and an atomic battery which seemingly opens up a whole new questline that I simply dont have time to look into before my demo time runs out. Again, the observant among you will notice that none of these items are the book Im looking for.After my play session ends, Im told the book was in the castle, just lying on a table I must have walked past several times. Before that revelation, though, I start to believe the book simply doesnt exist. That it is a ruse. A lie. I decide to go back to the herbalist and see if she has anything to say for herself. She doesn't, of course, because the book is real and the quest to acquire it is legitimate. But my own confusion manifests as fully buying into my characters descent into violence, and so I kill her. She becomes one with her plants in the soil. Searching her body for some kind of hidden truth, I find a recipe for something that would appear to help combat the poison swamp monster I encountered earlier. Its too late for that, but I assume this is the valuable information she was going to exchange her book for. We could have saved a lot of time here, it seems. Not that you can shave a huge amount of time off Atomfalls runtime. Im told by the developers at Rebellion that youd struggle to finish the story in less than four or five hours, and that most players will take around 25 hours. Quite what will happen within those 25 hours could be quite varied, though. I spoke to someone else at the demo session who went on an entirely different adventure to mine during their time playing, one that started with a crashed helicopter I never encountered and led to a whole new region filled with killer robots and mutants. It appears that even by just skimming the surface of Atomfall, there are many depths, secrets, and mysteries to be found.Atomfall feels like a game that rewards you the more you indulge in its obfuscated quest design.I do wonder if some of the objectives may be too obtuse for some, though. The lack of direction could certainly be offputting, but Atomfall feels like a game that rewards you the more you indulge in its obfuscated quest design. The blurred lines between the side and main objectives add a real peril to every action, with its malleable plot design encouraging each player to tell their own tale and find their own ending and explanation for what has happened here in the irradiated English countryside. Ill still see the end of the story, despite killing off poor old Mother Jago, it may just be wildly different from yours. But, thats all that I have time to see today. For now, my hands bloodied from the undeserved demise of a herbalist and the warpath Ive left behind, I decide to engage in full-British mode: take my cricket bat, head to the pub, and wait for this all to blow over.Simon Cardy is a Senior Editorial Producer who can mainly be found skulking around open world games, indulging in Korean cinema, or despairing at the state of Tottenham Hotspur and the New York Jets. Follow him on Bluesky at @cardy.bsky.social.
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  • Wednesday: Jenna Ortega Confirms Season 2 Will Dive Deeper into Addams Family Lore
    Jenna Ortega has more than once acknowledged that before Wednesday came along, friends and family in her life were already comparing her to the Addams Familys woeful daughter, a character originally created by Charles Addams more than 90 years ago. With season 2 nearly upon us, she appears poised to make that likeness exact.During a recent conversation with Den of Geek magazine about Ortegas new film, Death of a Unicorn, the actor opened up about her appreciation for the original Charles Addams conception of Wednesday Addams and her larger kooky family. Ortega also confirmed that one of the things she sought to bring to the second season was taking more inspiration from those early, often bleakly amusing cartoons which originated in The New Yorker in 1933.In between season 1 and season 2, I actually went to this antiquarian bookshop and I picked up some of the first published books of Charles Addams, Ortega says. I kept that on my bedside table as we were shooting just for reference. You know, looking at [his] dark tools. Ortega, who is also an executive producer on the second season of Wednesday and has a larger hand in shaping the tone, says she looked at both Addams original cartoons as well as the wider real world the artist drew upon.I had another book of his that was just stuff that inspired him throughout the years, says Ortega. Like weird families and weird things like that.A warm and well-liked man throughout his lifetime in the 20th century, Charles Addams was also considered weird in some circles. Perhaps it was because he enjoyed picnicking in cemeteries, or that he and his third wife, Marilyn Tee Matthews, were actually married in oneher pet cemetery, to be exactbut the real Chaz Addams developed a reputation befitting his creations, who at least initially on the page were not intended to be a family. The idea of the Addams Family came from New York ad men referring to his popular cartoons as Addams family of ghouls, a line that stuck after ABC developed the idea into a TV show. It was for that series, too, that Addams named his characters, including Wednesday.Still, the original Addams Family TV series of the 1960s could never quite reach for their creators most macabre slices of humor. But Ortega can.It was interesting, Ortega says of the second season, when you [could suggest], Maybe we have these supernatural extras that look like this image! Things like that were really helpful. And also it would just help me get in that mind space of when were shooting a scene. Instead of thinking like, Okay, I can make a snarky comment to my brother, I could [instead] push him off this cliff and almost kill him. There was a moment or two there of that.She adds, I think reading [those books] and digesting that stuff kind of helps you, whether you realize it or not.Ortegas comments suggest some of Addams more sinister gags could be a reference point. Gags like the sight of Morticia Addams coming into the basement and calling for her daughter, but we see only Pugsley working with wet cement before a newly finished wall and burning candle (an obliquely funny nod to Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado). Or theres the time both of Addams much younger children frantically work to build a roaring blaze in the fireplace because, as Gomez smiles, The little dears. They still believe in Santa Claus.While we doubt Santa or Amontillado wine will be appearing directly in Wednesday season 2, it sounds like Ortega is looking toward a similar vintage.Wednesday season 2 is expected to premiere later this year on Netflix.Join our mailing listGet the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox!
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  • Next Week on Xbox: New Games for March 10 to 14
    Welcome to Next Week on Xbox! In this weekly feature we cover all the games coming soon to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, the Xbox App on Windows PC, and Game Pass! Get more details on these upcoming games below and click their profiles for further info (release dates subject to change). Lets jump in!Beyond the Ice Palace 2PQube Ltd$19.99$17.99Pre-orderBeyond the Ice Palace 2 March 11Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryAssume the mantle of the Cursed King as you embark on a relentless journey of vengeance to reclaim your stolen throne. Traverse perilous lands fraught with danger as you hunt for the scattered fragments of celestial arrows, combining them to purge your curse and unlock your true power in this captivating action platformer.CentumSerenity Forge$14.99Pre-orderCentum March 11Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryYoure a prisoner in a cell. You must escape. But is that really the goal? Centum appears to be a point-and-click adventure, but beneath the surface is something altogether different. Centum challenges traditional gaming conventions by weaving an intricate narrative where reality is as fluid as the mind of its narrator.Chornobyl LiquidatorsFrozen Way S.A.Get it nowChornobyl Liquidators March 11Optimized for Xbox Series X|SThis is not a fantastic tale of exploring the Zone. Its a story about real people facing a real threat the CNPP disaster. Invisible radiation, KGB, difficult moral choices Do you have enough courage and strength to take on this challenge?WanderstopAnnapurna InteractiveGet it nowWanderstop March 11Optimized for Xbox Series X|SA narrative-centric cozy game about change and tea. Playing as a fallen fighter named Alta, youll manage a tea shop within a magical forest and tend to the customers who pass through. But Alta does not want to be here. And if she gets her way, the tea shop will be nothing but a brief and painful memory.3D Don't Die Mr. RobotEastasiasoft LimitedGet it now3D Dont Die Mr. Robot March 12Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery / Xbox Play AnywhereTake the role of Mr. Robot who has been trapped in a highly dangerous and rather fruity dimension called the Neon Dunjun. The only way to survive is to collect fruits which explode on contact, destroying any enemies in their blast radius, helping Mr. Robot to cheat death for a few more moments. Survive a fruity dimension of destruction in this fast-paced, arcade-style collect em up!FATE: Reawakenedgamigo US Inc.Get it nowFate: Reawakened March 12Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryReexperience the iconic Fate series like never before! Revisit the quaint town of Grove and the realms beyond as you prepare to enter the Dungeon Gate once again! The award-winning Fate series has received a modern facelift while remaining true to the nostalgic dungeon crawler classic. Will you tempt fate on your journey to fame and fortune?Legends AlignedAfil GamesGet it nowLegends Aligned March 12Optimized for Xbox Series X|SA puzzle game where strategy and organization meet in the enchanting world of RPG miniatures! Your challenge? Arrange each piece precisely within a dynamic grid, ensuring no space is wasted. Rotate, position, and fit miniatures of different classes and shapes into grids that grow in size as your journey progresses.Raccoon is Hungry (Xbox Series X)Synnergy Circle GamesGet it nowRaccoon is Hungry March 12Optimized for Xbox Series X|SThe second installment in the Is Hungry series. Follow the adventures of a gluttonous raccoon searching for food, but in the city, food isnt as easy to find on the ground. To get a meal, the raccoon must search inside dumpsters for edible items such as apples, pizza slices, hamburgers, grapes, and more. But be careful food isnt the only thing hiding in the trash! What surprises await the curious raccoon?Colorful RecolorAcynthaGet it nowColorful Recolor March 13Optimized for Xbox Series X|SA fast-paced puzzler with a kaleidoscopic collection of brain teasers. Play through 100 levels with engaging mechanics, striking biomes, 10+ distinct elements and an abundance of colors. Paint your way through this colorful world!Destino IndomableJanduSoft$12.49$9.99Pre-orderDestino Indomable March 13Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryLights, camera, action! In Destino Indomable, youre the rising star cast as the lead in a telenovela! Dive into a wild visual novel inspired by the most dramatic Latin soap operas, complete with humor, drama, romance, and more!ASMR SlicingQubicGames S.A.$4.99$3.99Pre-orderASMR Slicing March 14Xbox Play AnywhereChoose your favorite cutting tool no matter if its a playing card, flosser or just a simple kitchen knife. Just cut, cut, cut and experience those satisfying ASMR sounds! Slice a variety of colorful objects made of kinetic sand in the shapes of food, toys, buildings, everyday objects and ordinary cubes or blocks!DwervePM-Studios, Inc.Get it nowDwerve March 14Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryAn epic action-adventure with tower defense combat! Dungeon crawl through a ruined kingdom, fending off hordes with turrets and traps! Punch them into pits! Pull them into spinblades!ESCAPE SITE 13Happy Player$14.99$11.99Pre-orderEscape Site 13 March 14Optimized for Xbox Series X|SStep into the role of investigator, tasked with exploring the recently unearthed structure known as Site 13. As you navigate its foreboding corridors, you will unearth forgotten documents that hold the key to its mysteries, solve ancient puzzles designed to protect its hidden truths, and unravel a labyrinthine history buried in the darkness for far too long.Hyper Mirror RunRatalaika Games S.L.Get it nowHyper Mirror Run March 14Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart DeliveryRace head-to-head in the exciting world of Hyper Mirror Run. Compete locally against your friends or challenge an AI opponent. You can navigate through mirrored worlds, mastering precision jumps and wielding weapons to triumph over foes.Sticky BusinessAssemble EntertainmentGet it nowSticky Business March 14Optimized for Xbox Series X|SCreate, pack, and sell your own unique sticker creations! Experience the joy of running your own cozy small business where you create stickers, pack orders, and hear your customers stories. Combine dozens of elements to create your own collection and sell them to like-minded people.WWE 2K25 Standard Edition2K274$69.99Pre-orderWWE 2K25 March 14Optimized for Xbox Series X|SWWE 2K25 brings you an unparalleled lineup of current Superstars, Legends, and Hall of Famers. The 300+ stacked roster spans multiple generations and features Seth Freakin Rollins, Undertaker, The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Jade Cargill, and more. And in a franchise first, step outside the ropes and onto The Island for an immersive, WWE-themed world filled with epic arenas, challenges, and live events. Pre-order now to get the Wyatt Sicks Pack. Plus, youll receive a digital copy of WWE 2K24 Standard Edition to play while you wait! Or grab WWE 2K25 Deadman Edition or The Bloodline Edition to start playing today!
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  • This New York Farmhouse Feels Like Its in an Enchanted Forest
    Its set a short distance from the town, says Melissa Anderson of OAD Interiors, describing her clients home in Woodstock, New York. But you feel like you have entered your own seclusive fairy tale upon arrival. Built in the early 1900s, the Dutch Colonialstyle home rests on a nearly 20-acre property that was once a working farm. It presented a layout and bold featureslike orange wood ceilings and cherry red wallsthat didnt suit the current homeowners taste. But they were bowled over by the natural settingas was Anderson. Theres just infinite landscape, so its really pretty magical, she says. We wanted to create this kind of fantasy interior to match the surrounding area.We wanted to create something unique on the interior that matched this fantasy landscape.FAST FACTSDESIGNER:LOCATION: THE SPACE:Related StoriesKITCHENA windowsplash lets natural light pour in. Joseph KrammStools: Michael Robbins. Refrigerator: True Manufacturing. Countertops: ABC Stone. Faucet and pot filler: Grohe.Anderson did what she could to make each room feel spa-like and open while highlighting the views all around. Before the renovation, this space contained little else besides the dogs crate. Now, theres a skylight above the island and a row of windows behind the sink and range that lets the owners take in the scenery as they cook. Anderson replaced the leaded-glass windowpanes with unobstructed ones and positioned the 71-inch Lacanche range under the view. Parisian-inspired tile floors connect this room to the dining room.DINING ROOMSleek furniture maintains an airy atmosphere.Joseph KrammFlooring: Riad Tile. Pendants: Foscarini. Sideboard: Lemieux et Cie, 1stDibs. Table: Stillfried Design. Wood vessels: Abigail Castaeda (on sideboard).Meals in this room have an alfresco air, thanks to wallpaper by Ananb that depicts South Pacific islands. LIVING ROOMThe homes bones shine thanks to a little TLC.Joseph KrammSofa: RH. Side table: Michael Javidi. Coffee table: vintage, A.Therien.The beams, built-ins, and stone fireplace in this Zen living roomlibrary are original to the home. Anderson had the stone fireplace surround limewashed. Joseph KrammPRIMARY BEDROOMEarth tones fuel a glamping spirit. Joseph KrammPendant: Georg Baldele. Fireplace: Aurora. Cushion fabric: Holly Hunt. Wall finish: Venetian plaster (facing bed), Modern Masters. Anderson brought the outside in using an abstract horizon print behind the bed. But the nature-focused artwork is a complement to the real thing, not a replacement for it. Here, we expanded the existing window footprint to take in as much of the landscape as possible, provide serenity, and connect to the outside, she explains. A double-sided reading nook, ethereal lighting, and a suspended fireplace add to the feeling that youre living in a forest, she saysor, given the tennis court, hot tub, and pool, a glamping resort. Joseph KrammAn abstract wallcovering by Aster ties into the nature-inspired design without being too on the nose. Anderson had the bed and nightstand made from local reclaimed wood from Woodstock Wood.PRIMARY BATHROOMIts all about tranquility.Joseph KrammJoseph KrammGlass partitions set off the en suite bathroom without blocking the view from the bedroom windows. Sage green tiles contrasted by black accents create soothing a space with a modern touch.FOYERA fresh coat of white paint is always reliable.Joseph KrammDoor: Pella Reserve. Sconce: Garde. Art: Santeri Tuori. Bench and rug: vintage.Anderson created this space in what had been a small, dark kitchen. Reclaimed wood flooring and cabinetry add patina. The once orange-toned ceiling was freshened up with White Dove paint by Benjamin Moore. BACKYARDAn organic shape lets the pool blend in. Joseph KrammA natural pool is a rural luxury. Native landscaping and Adirondack-style Highwood USA chairs give this area rustic charm. We kept everything very simple on the exterior to allow nature to be center stage, Anderson says.About the DesignerMelissa Anderson is the founder of the Brooklyn-based studio OAD Interiors. OAD creates artfully designed spaces using a holistic approach to tell a cohesive story that reflects the surrounding environment and the values of its inhabitants. Thoughtfully eliminating the unnecessary to provide functional, clean, impactful spaces which allow for fine details to be noticed and for bold unexpected moments to shine.SHOP THE SPACEMohair Throw$375 at ABC Carpet & HomeTumwater Sconce$599 at cedarandmoss.comCredit: Cedar & MossArtisan Latus Table$2,846 at stillfried.comBenjamin Moore White Dove$25 at Ace HardwareFollow House Beautiful on Instagram and TikTok.
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  • Exclusive: Startup combines physics with AI to discover new green materials 10x faster
    AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, or DeepSeek have radically disrupted the way we access and generate information. However, these systems are general they are jacks of all trades but masters of none.Increasingly, though, scientists are training AI to solve very specific problems and fast-track everything from creating new drugs to designing fusion reactors. One area where theyre gaining traction is enhanced material discovery. Their advances are creating a growing range of promising startups. PhaseTree is one of them.Spun-off from the Technical University of Denmark in 2021, PhaseTree has developed a platform that integrates computer simulations, lab automation, and AI to develop new materials for clean technologies like batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines. While its not unveiling its secret sauce, the startup said the tech enables it to find new materials 10 times faster than traditional methods.Our approach accelerates discovery by combining physics-based modelling with AI, allowing us to rapidly identify and refine promising candidates that would traditionally take decades to develop, Jin Hyun Chang, PhaseTrees co-founder and CTO, told TNW.PhaseTree is in an increasingly crowded sector. AI-powered material discovery startups raised over $260mn last year, according to Dealroom data. Ten out of the 17 funding rounds in 2024 went to startups in Europe, including ExoMatter, Dunia, and Orbital.PhaseTree promotes a different approach to its rivals. Unlike many other AI-powered material discovery tools, Chang said the startup prioritises using existing scientific methods first, and then applies machine learning in an approach it calls physics-first, AI-on-top.Many AI-driven tools rely heavily on data correlations, but we emphasise the physical principles governing materials such as composition, atomic structure, defects, and microstructures, to ensure a reliable prediction of the materials properties, he explained.Today, PhaseTree announced that it has secured 3mn in funding from Denmark-based early-stage VC Heartcore Capital. It will use the fresh funds to boost R&D and expand its team, as it looks to deploy its science to solve real-world problems.Amit Luthra, co-founder and CEO of PhaseTree, emphasised the companys focus on practical applications.From the outset, we design materials with manufacturability in mind, ensuring they can be synthesised at scale rather than remaining a theoretical concept or lab-scale prototypes, Luthra told TNW. By prioritising low-cost, abundant materials with straightforward synthesis routes, we maximise the likelihood of adoption by key industrial players.PhaseTree said it is currently working with some of the worlds largest battery, automobile, and steel producers, and is already optimising high-performance battery electrodes and advanced alloys.The Next in Tech is one of three key themes at TNW Conference, which takes place on June 19-20 in Amsterdam. Tickets for the event are now on sale. To get 30% off, use the code TNWXMEDIA2025 at the check-out. Story by Sin Geschwindt Sin is a climate and energy reporter at TNW. From nuclear fusion to escooters, he covers the length and breadth of Europe's clean tech ecos (show all) Sin is a climate and energy reporter at TNW. From nuclear fusion to escooters, he covers the length and breadth of Europe's clean tech ecosystem. He's happiest sourcing a scoop, investigating the impact of emerging technologies, and even putting them to the test. Sin has five years journalism experience and holds a dual degree in media and environmental science from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Get the TNW newsletterGet the most important tech news in your inbox each week.Also tagged with
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  • This fusion-powered rocket could halve the time it takes to get to Mars
    Interplanetary travel might be about to get a whole lot faster and hotter.UK startup Pulsar Fusion today unveiled Sunbird, a nuclear fusion-powered rocket concept that could halve the time it takes to travel across our solar system and, maybe, beyond it.Machine learning models show the rocket could potentially propel a spacecraft with a mass of about 1,000kg (2,200lb) to Pluto in four years less than half the time it took NASAs New Horizons mission, which was powered by regular ion thrusters. Earth to Mars? Four months. Earth to Saturn? Two years.Rather than launch from Earth each time, several Sunbirds would be docked in low-Earth orbit, ready to attach to spacecraft and propel them deeper into the cosmos.The of EU techThe latest rumblings from the EU tech scene, a story from our wise ol' founder Boris, and some questionable AI art. It's free, every week, in your inbox. Sign up now!Sunbird would be fitted with a Duel Direct Fusion Drive a compact nuclear fusion engine which could provide both thrust and electrical power for spacecraft.Pulsar started building the engine in 2023 at a site in Milton Keynes, England. Static tests are slated to begin in 2025 followed by an In Orbit Demonstration (IOD) of the core technology components in 2027, the company said. When fired, the engine could temporarily become the hottest place in the solar system, creating exhaust speeds of more than 500,000mph (804,672km/h). From the UK to MarsFounded in 2011, Pulsar has spent over a decade on fusion research. More recently, the company started developing two other products in parallel: a Hall-effect electric thruster for spacecraft and a second-stage hybrid rocket engine.Pulsar has built a reputation in this industry for delivering real technology not just talking about it, said founder and CEO Richard Dinan. Weve recently commissioned not one, but two of the largest space propulsion testing chambers in the UK, if not all of Europe and we have ambitious plans to grow from here.While Pulsars goal to build and test a fusion reactor in space in just three years is certainly ambitious, advances in AI could help. The company has teamed up with the US-based Princeton Satellite Systems to predict how plasma behaves under electromagnetic confinement. The machine learning simulations will guide the rocket engines design.In 2022, Pulsar secured funding from the UK Space Agency to develop a nuclear-fission based propulsion system, alongside the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and Cambridge University. Story by Sin Geschwindt Sin is a climate and energy reporter at TNW. From nuclear fusion to escooters, he covers the length and breadth of Europe's clean tech ecos (show all) Sin is a climate and energy reporter at TNW. From nuclear fusion to escooters, he covers the length and breadth of Europe's clean tech ecosystem. He's happiest sourcing a scoop, investigating the impact of emerging technologies, and even putting them to the test. Sin has five years journalism experience and holds a dual degree in media and environmental science from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Get the TNW newsletterGet the most important tech news in your inbox each week.Also tagged with
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  • New Apple TV+ comedy, The Studio, reveals the stress of Hollywood in trailer
    Later this month, Apple faces the big challenge of trying to keep TV+ subscribers after Severance ends. One big card up the companys sleeve? A new comedy coming to Apple TV+ called The Studio, which just dropped its full trailer.The Studio is one of Apples biggest premieres of the springAmong the highlights of March releases on Apple TV+, The Studio is very much at the top of the list. It will arrive on Apple TV+ later this month on Wednesday, March 26.The only other debut that could make a compelling case for top new show is Dope Thief, a crime thriller releasing next week.But while that series concerns criminal threats, The Studio pack a very different kind of stress in a bottle: the stress of Hollywood filmmaking.Heres Apples description of the show:Seth Rogen stars as Matt Remick, the newly appointed head of embattled Continental Studios. As movies struggle to stay alive and relevant, Matt and his core team of infighting executives battle their own insecurities as they wrangle narcissistic artists and craven corporate overlords in the ever-elusive pursuit of making great films. With their power suits masking their never-ending sense of panic, every party, set visit, casting decision, marketing meeting and award show presents them with an opportunity for glittering success or career-ending catastrophe. As someone who eats, sleeps and breathes movies, its the job Matts been pursuing his whole life, and it may very well destroy him.Apple has shared various different teasers and clips of the show in the past, but today the official trailer has debuted.Heres the trailer:9to5Macs TakeI continue to be very eager to see The Studio, as it could end up being one of the biggest hits on Apple TV+ to date.That said, this latest trailer has me wondering if the tone of the show could keep it from being as successful. While previous clips and the original teaser struck a lighter, more comedic tone, this full trailer hints at a darker feel.Dark comedies can of course be great, but striking the right balance of comedy with dramaor in this case, stress and anxiety in a comedic showcan be a challenge. I look forward to seeing what reviews think following the shows SXSW premiere today.Did you like The Studios trailer, and do you plan to watch when it arrives on Apple TV+? Let us know in the comments.Apple TV+ isavailable for $9.99 per monthand features hit TV shows and movies likeTed Lasso,Severance,The Morning Show,Silo, andShrinking.Best Apple TV and Home accessoriesAdd 9to5Mac to your Google News feed. FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.Youre reading 9to5Mac experts who break news about Apple and its surrounding ecosystem, day after day. Be sure to check out our homepage for all the latest news, and follow 9to5Mac on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay in the loop. Dont know where to start? Check out our exclusive stories, reviews, how-tos, and subscribe to our YouTube channel
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  • Security Bite: Stop typing your sudo password, use Touch ID instead
    9to5Mac Security Bite is exclusively brought to you by Mosyle,the only Apple Unified Platform. Making Apple devices work-ready and enterprise-safe is all we do. Our unique integrated approach to management and security combines state-of-the-art Apple-specific security solutions for fully automated Hardening & Compliance, Next Generation EDR, AI-powered Zero Trust, and exclusive Privilege Management with the most powerful and modern Apple MDM on the market. The result is a totally automated Apple Unified Platform currently trusted by over 45,000 organizations to make millions of Apple devices work-ready with no effort and at an affordable cost. Request your EXTENDED TRIAL today and understand why Mosyle is everything you need to work with Apple.One of the greatest benefits of Touch ID on Mac is rarely having to type your password when making purchases, signing into apps, and, of course, unlocking the device. It might be ancient technology to the iPhone at this point, but it continues to be a default luxury on Mac. If you frequent Terminal, youll be glad to know you can also authenticate as administrator with Touch ID for all the sudo goodness with one tap.The ability to use Touch ID for sudo has been around for years. It takes 60 seconds to set up and requires us to make just a few edits to system configuration files on macOS. Painfully, until Sonoma, Apple would revert these changes with every new release of macOS, requiring the user to again type the sudo password to authenticate. Im going to show you how to implement Touch ID for sudo in a way that wont be overwritten.As a reminder, Apple stores Touch ID data the same way as Face ID: locally on the device with AES-256 encryption and processed by the Secure Enclave only when its needed. It is never sent to Apple servers or backed up to iCloud. In fact, data is not even accessible to the operating system. The Secure Enclave simply returns a yes or no if the authentication is successful. How to enable Touch ID for sudoIm using macOS Sequoia 15.4, but this will work on any version of macOS after 10.15 Catalina for Macs with that magical fingerprint sensor in the top right of the keyboard. Im using Terminal, but this should also work on any emulator that supports the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM).1. Copy and create new configuration fileFirst, copy the default template configuration file provided by Apple and create a new one called sudo_local. We copy the template file instead of modifying it directly to ensure that it doesnt get overwritten when the version of macOS drops.sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template /etc/pam.d/sudo_local2. Edit the sudo_local fileNext, open the newly created sudo_local file with your preferred text editor. Nano is my fav (:sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo_localIn the file, uncomment the line containing pam_tid.so by removing the #. Hit Allow on any system prompts that may appear. 4. Touch but verifyThats it! Now, lets verify that it works. Open a new Terminal session and run a sudo command to test the setup. Youll now get a prompt to use Touch ID for authentication instead of typing your system password out. You can revert back to typing in your password by simply commenting the auth line we uncommented in step 3.Enjoy! Follow Arin: Twitter/X, LinkedIn, ThreadsAdd 9to5Mac to your Google News feed. FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.Youre reading 9to5Mac experts who break news about Apple and its surrounding ecosystem, day after day. Be sure to check out our homepage for all the latest news, and follow 9to5Mac on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay in the loop. Dont know where to start? Check out our exclusive stories, reviews, how-tos, and subscribe to our YouTube channel
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  • SpaceX's Latest Starship Exploding on Launch Is a Grim Setback for the Company
    NASA's Space Shuttle successfully reached orbit during its first attempt in April 1981. The Saturn V rocket that launched the first humans to the Moon also didn't explode during liftoff in July 1969. Even NASA's ultra-expensive and expendable Space Launch System didn't erupt into a giant fireball during its maiden voyage in late 2022.But SpaceX has taken a strikingly different approach for its reusable, two-stage rockets. Instead of lining up an orbital-ready vehicle on the launch pad, the company has picked an iterative design methodology with varying degrees of success, and a string of explosions that are starting to look less like learning from failure and more like a sustained failure.The pros and cons of the approach have never been more apparent when it comes to its heavy lift vehicle, dubbed Starship, the "world's most powerful launch vehicle" ever developed. SpaceX has run into serious issues trying to get a prototype upper stage launched into orbit, then reenter the atmosphere and make a soft landing upon its return.During its latest attempt on Thursday evening, the company's prototype, dubbed Starship 34, roared into the sky from SpaceX's testing facilities in South Texas. But an "energetic event in the aft portion of Starship resulted in the loss of several engines" minutes into the launch, according to the company's statement published late on Thursday. "This in turn led to a loss of attitude control and ultimately a loss of communications with Starship."It was a moment of deja vu, as Starship 34's predecessor suffered a notably similar fate during the company's seventh test flight in January. At the time, the prototype self-destructed following an oxygen leak, flashes, and "sustained fires" in its aft section.In short, SpaceX has had two of its Starships break up into countless pieces in a row, resulting in a stunning display of bright streaks lighting up the night sky each time.The back-to-back mishaps highlight the degree of difficulty SpaceX is wrestling with."The loss of Starship on ascent during the second flight in a row is clearly a serious setback for SpaceX," tweeted Ars Technica's Eric Berger, who has published two books on the company's history."Loss of engines and attitude control on SpaceX's Starship Flight 8, failing at about the same time as Flight 7," wrotehis colleague, space reporter Stephen Clark. "Some real growing pains for the world's largest rocket."Meanwhile, Musk remained quiet, eventually venting his frustration by slinging insults at his critics on his social media platform.Where the latest setback leaves SpaceX's ambitions to deliver NASA astronauts to the lunar surface in a matter of just two years as part of the agency's Artemis program, let alone send humans to Mars, remains to be seen.Through the company's workhorse Falcon 9 rocket, SpaceX has already demonstrated that its iterative design methodology can work. But Starship is a project of unprecedented scale, with a gargantuan learning curve.How many more "rapid unscheduled disassemblies," a term used by SpaceX officials to denote an explosion, can the company still afford?SpaceX claimed that its eighth flight was a step in the right direction."With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and todays flight will help us improve Starships reliability," the company wrote in its statement. "We will conduct a thorough investigation, in coordination with the FAA, and implement corrective actions to make improvements on future Starship flight tests."The space firm has already moved mountains to lift a 400-foot tower of stainless steel off the ground. But getting it to reliably enter orbit, survive the extreme heat during reentry, and land in one piece appears to be a far more difficult exercise.A major glimmer of hope, however, is Starship's booster, Super Heavy, which was successfully caught by the company's "Mechazilla" tower for the third time this week a major engineering feat that could buy the company some time as it irons out the many kinks of its upper stage.More on Starship: SpaceX Having Trouble Getting Starship Launched Again After ExplosionShare This Article
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