• Compositing with Mocha Pro & Matte Assist ML
    Compositing in After Effects just got way easier! Check out Mocha Pros new Matte Assist MLgame-changing masking made simple! // U S E F U L L I N K S // Download a free trial of Mocha Pro : https://borisfx.com/products/mocha-pro/ Go in-depth with Object Brush and Matte Assist ML here : https://youtu.be/wllr5IvQ080 Get a quick look at all the new stuff in Mocha Pro 2025 here : https://youtu.be/LIQV1yOkI1w #vfx #cg #mochapro #borisfx #aftereffects #adobe
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  • Meditation Changes Your Brain Structure in a Good Way
    Sit comfortably and pay attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale. When thoughts drift into your mind, just ignore them and stay focused on your breath. Seems simple enough, right? But it turns out that this basic practice, known as mindfulness meditation, is powerful stuff.Not only does it help reduce stress and improve mood, but it actually changes your brain structure. And those changes can be quite beneficial.How Meditation Changes the BrainSara Lazar is a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Research Institute at Harvard University who studies meditations effect on the brain. Meditation-induced brain changes can be seen primarily in three areas of the brain, she explains: the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), the hippocampus, and the amygdala.The PCC is involved in mind wandering and in ones sense of self. In long-term meditators, the PCC is quieter than in people who dont meditate, explains Lazar. Thats likely because sitting and focusing the breath trains the brain to pay attention to what you want it to pay attention to and reduces mind wandering.The hippocampus is involved in learning, memory, and executive control. In meditators, the structure of the hippocampus increases, explains Lazar.Who it talks to and how it talks to other brain regions seems to change with [meditation] practice, she says.Grey matter (mostly neurons and some support cells) in the hippocampus also increases in people who meditate. Grey matter processes information, but it needs help from white matter. White matter acts as a conductor of brain signals, Lazar explains, and meditation causes white matter in the hippocampus to increase as well.Meditation for Anxiety and DepressionWhile the hippocampus is bulking up, as Lazar puts it, and sending signals more rapidly, the amygdala is getting smaller and less active. Lazar describes the amygdala as being all about emotional reactivity, particularly fear.We see that it becomes less active during threatening conditions, she says.This might explain the well-documented effect of meditation on anxiety and depression. Many of these changes can be seen after as little as eight weeks of regular meditation practice.These changes in the brain, particularly the increase in grey matter, suggest that meditation could effectively postpone dementia. Lazar says that there is some evidence that meditation can lead to improvements in people with mild cognitive impairment, which can be a precursor to dementia.White matter also plays a role. In normal aging, as well as in dementia, white matter begins to deteriorate. Thats why at age 60, it can take even a healthy brain a little longer to figure things out than it did at age 20. Many lifestyle factors, including diet, can affect white matter. But meditation certainly helps preserve it.We can see white matter tracks changing and moving and getting bigger, says Lazar.Going Deep Inside the BrainMost previous research, like that done by Lazar, has used either magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or electroencephalography (EEG) to get a picture of whats happening in the brain during meditation. Ignacio Saez, a neuroscientist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, took a different approach.In a study published in PNAS, Saez and colleagues recruited epilepsy patients who had previously had electrodes implanted in their brains. The purpose of the electrodes was to control seizures, but they also offer a unique window into the electrical activity of the brain at any given moment. The patients agreed to undergo guided meditation training, allowing Saez and his team to see far more than MRI or EEG can show.We were able to measure a voltage that reflects the coordinated activity of hundreds of thousands of neurons, right there in real time, he says.None of these people had meditated before. They were trained over the course of a year in Loving-Kindness Meditation, a method that focuses on developing feelings of kindness and compassion. Saez and his team found that meditation practice caused modulations in the beta and gamma waves in the amygdala and hippocampus of these novice meditators.Heightened beta waves in these areas, Saez points out, are usually correlated with undesirable mental states, such as depression and anxiety. Indeed, the patients reported that after meditation, and the resulting changes in beta and gamma waves, they felt better, and their anxiety was lower. One exciting thing about this research, says Saez, is that it shows that people can learn to control their neuronal responses themselves."You're willfully modulating your brain activity in this very specific way by engaging in these meditative practices that have been used for thousands of years," says Saez. "You can specifically change the one thing that potentially underlies bad mental states and bring it back to normal and feel better."The More You PracticeSo how much meditation practice does it take to see benefits? Though theres not yet a definitive answer, Lazar says that several studies have found correlations between practice time and changes in the brain.The more you practice, the more benefit you're gonna get, she says. If youre interested in giving meditation a try, Lazar recommends visiting the Insight Meditation Center online. It offers free online instruction, classes, and other support. You can also find an online guided Loving-Kindness Meditation here.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Frontiers In Psycology. Mechanisms of white matter change induced by meditation training Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. The potential effects of meditation on age-related cognitive decline: a systematic reviewPubMed. Lazar SWAvery Hurt is a freelance science journalist. In addition to writing for Discover, she writes regularly for a variety of outlets, both print and online, including National Geographic, Science News Explores, Medscape, and WebMD. Shes the author of Bullet With Your Name on It: What You Will Probably Die From and What You Can Do About It, Clerisy Press 2007, as well as several books for young readers. Avery got her start in journalism while attending university, writing for the school newspaper and editing the student non-fiction magazine. Though she writes about all areas of science, she is particularly interested in neuroscience, the science of consciousness, and AIinterests she developed while earning a degree in philosophy.
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  • Why new tech only feels good for a short time
    Get off the treadmill. Image: J Studios/Getty ImagesShareA friend recently sent me a video about getting Red Dead Redemption 2 running on an old CRT television by YouTuber Any Austin, which I obviously watched because I love gimmicky tech videos involving obsolete things. I was expecting to laugh at something mixing retro and current technology, and that happened, but then the video wandered into human psychology.I thought it would be ridiculous to play a modern game on such an old TV, mostly because it is. But after playing for a little bit he realized that, once you get used to it, playing a modern game on a TV thats been obsolete for decades justdoesnt feel that different. Sure, there were annoyancescertain things were cropped off the screenbut for the most part the game was just as immersive and fun on an ancient TV as on a contemporary one.The human brain is just really good at normalizing basically anything that isnt directly causing us to die, Any Austin explains in the video. Your brand new PC is probably giving you about the same amount of joy as your old PC. Your great fancy new job probably feels just about as soul sucking as your old job, provided you control for other factors like money.Thatcant be how human brains work. Can it? I decided to look into the psychology. (Spoiler: Its exactly how human brains work.)The Hedonic TreadmillThe psychological phenomenon known as the hedonic treadmill has been well documented since at least the 1970s. The concept refers to how humans tend to revert to a baseline level of happiness after positive or negative changes in their lives. There may be a spike in happiness after a wedding, a promotion at work, or buying a new TV, but that is temporarypeople tend to eventually revert to their previous levels of happiness. The same thing is true about negative life changes.An early study showing this, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1978, examined the relative happiness of three groups: lottery winners, people who went through serious automobile accidents, and a control group. The lottery winners results were surprising:Lottery winners and controls were not significantly different in their ratings of how happy they were now, how happy they were before winning (or, for controls, how happy they were 6 months ago), and how happy they expected to be in a couple of years.Now, there was nuance in the study. The victims of car accidents did not adapt to the same extent, though the study notes that the accident victims did not appear nearly as unhappy as might have been expected. Even so, the hedonic treadmill has been replicated in study after study over the years. Positive and negative changes alike tend to have a big impact on our levels of happiness in the short term but over time, we revert back to our base levels of happiness.What does this have to do with playing Red Dead Redemption on an ancient TV? The same psychological tendency is in play. If you bought the TV of your dreams tomorrow there could be a honeymoon period during which you feel that it is making your video game experience better, and that could make you happier.After that period, though, youll get right back to the same level of satisfaction as before. Eventually maybe you hear about a newer, better TV, which you now want to buy in order to get that same happiness boost you got from buying the last one. Thats why this is called a treadmill: you think the next purchase will permanently boost your happiness only to end up right back where you started.How to Get Off the TreadmillKnowing this, how can we get more satisfaction out of our gadgets? The answer might be spending more time thinking about how much you enjoy the things you already have. A 2011 paper by Kennon M. Sheldon and Sonja Lyubomirsky published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, showed that regularly thinking about the positive changes in your lifeand thinking less about hypothetical future changescan help maintain the increase in happiness. From the conclusion:In other words, because of the very adaptation processes examined in the current research, the appeal of the new car, house, or handbag that initially brought pleasure begins to fade, such that people are soon tempted to buy an even better car, house, or handbag, trying to regain the initial exhilaration that has gone missing. However, in a world of expanding debt, declining resources, and questionable sustainability, it seems imperative to arrest or minimize this process, so that people can learn to be content with less. Our study suggests that this is an attainable goal, realizable when people make efforts to be grateful for what they have and to continue to interact with it in diverse, surprising, and creative ways.The specifics of appreciating changes in creative ways arent laid out, but I think Any Austins video ends with a pretty good one: occasionally switching out your current tech for something ancient, then switching back to modern tech.Hear me out on this: Heres what you should do. Buy two TVs: a small 720p one and then a bigger 1080p one. Anytime you get the hankering for something new you just switch back and forth between them. Going from the big one to the small one will feel cute and novel and cozy, and then going from the small one to the big one we feel like this huge immersive upgrade.I am far from a psychology expert, and I think Any Austin would admit the same thing. Given the hedonistic upgrade, though, this doesnt sound like the worst ideayou could, in theory, give yourself that little happiness boost from trying something new on a regular basis. Youre tricking yourself into appreciating the thing you already have instead of dwelling on how much better life would be if you had something even better.You dont have to go to this extreme, though. Just know that the research suggests youll be happier with your tech if you spend more time appreciating what you have and less time dreaming about what you could buy instead.
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  • How I connect Colombias remote communities to safer water
    Nature, Published online: 17 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00799-5Alba Graciela vila Bernals research focuses on power-storage technologies, but she also builds custom probes to test water quality.
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  • How a PhD travel fellowship enriched an international cell-biology meeting
    Nature, Published online: 17 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00622-1The recipients, all from African countries, were not the only beneficiaries, says Rafiou Agoro.
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  • Punishing AI doesn't stop it from lying and cheating it just makes it hide better, study shows
    Scientists at OpenAI have attempted to stop a frontier AI model from cheating and lying by punishing it. But this just taught it to scheme more privately.
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  • Check Out This Cool 3D Cat Riding a Car Created with Blender
    Check out this cool 3D model of a cat driver in a personal car created with Blender by 3D Artist known ashotty_3D.The artist seamlessly combined a cartoonish style featuring a bold black outline and a hand-drawn feel with three-dimensional depth, creating an appealing and amusing piece. Apart from the unique artistic features, the setup depicts a charismatic cool cat with a laid-back yet confident attitude, resulting in an appealing look.Take a look at more artwork with the same feline and other characters showing funny scenes from their lives, as well as high-quality 3D setups:Visit the artist on X/Twitter for more artwork anddont forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our new Discord server, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, TikTok, and Threads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Check Out This Cool 3D Cat Riding a Car Created with Blender appeared first on CG SHARES.
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  • Breakdown: Creating Animated Short Inspired by Spider-Verse & Arcane
    An artist known as Renderia showcased a short episode from an animated series called GRAVITON and shared the workflow behind it.The video, inspired by Spider-Verse and Arcane, has the character, Graviton, escaping a loop in a futuristic sequence.Renderia sketched their ideas and collected references aiming for stylized futuristic costumes and armor with robots. Then, they sculpted the models in Blender, starting with default cubes, sculpting with reference, head and details with texture alignment, body with details, and overall retopology of the model. The armor was one of the most time-consuming parts:Gravitons armor needed to be heavy but not restrictive, reflecting his character, superpowers, and storyline. This was achieved by dividing the armor into monolithic parts connected by an indestructible fiber.The female characters textures were created procedurally by mixing Wave and Raven shaders, adding emission, and setting up mapping.The lines of the protagonists armor and the environment were painted with a regular brush for a more hand-drawn and stylized look.As for the animation, Renderia said that blocking was challenging due to intervals with impacts where it was difficult to calculate launch area and amplitude of Graviton himself. They used 2.5D effects and Grease Pencil to add more impact to actions and a smear effect instead of motion blur.The blur effect was set up with aberrations in three colors, and the comic book feeling was created with halftone dots and lines.The coolest part was using Cryptomatte in Blender to separate characters and objects from the blur effect. Finally, Renderia settled on 100-200 samples for different shots and a denoiser, compiling the scene into EXR (32-bit color) in After Effects, adding final effects, SFX, and a bit of color correction.If you want to see whats next for Graviton, visit Renderia on ArtStation.Also, join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Breakdown: Creating Animated Short Inspired by Spider-Verse & Arcane appeared first on CG SHARES.
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  • Alien: Romulus 4K Blu-Ray Steelbook Gets Big Discount At Amazon
    Alien: Romulus Limited-Edition Steelbook 4K Blu-ray $42 (was $66) | Limited-Time Deal See at Amazon See at Walmart Alien: Romulus on 4K Blu-ray (Standard Edition) $28 (was $50) See at Amazon See at Walmart Alien: Romulus' pricey Limited Edition Steelbook is on sale at Amazon right now. The retailer's limited-time deal cuts the price to $42, which is $24 less than this version's rather ridiculous $66 MSRP. Alien: Romulus released on 4K Blu-ray in December; the Steelbook Edition was sold out over the holidays at Amazon and Walmart. If Amazon sells out or you prefer to shop at Walmart, the $42 deal is available there, too.If you need to catch up on the Alien franchise before watching Romulus, Amazon has the Alien 6-Film Collection on Blu-ray for 50% off, dropping the price to only $25. You can also save on 4K editions of several other Alien films:Alien Franchise Blu-ray DealsAlien: Romulus Limited-Edition Steelbook (4K Blu-ray) -- $42 ($66)Alien: Romulus (4K Blu-ray) -- $28 ($50)Alien: 6-Film Collection (Blu-ray) -- $25 ($50)Aliens: Ultimate Collector's Edition (4K Blu-ray) -- $25 ($35)Alien: 40th Anniversary Edition (4K Blu-ray) -- $25Prometheus (4K Blu-ray) -- $24.74 ($31)Alien: Covenant (4K Blu-ray) -- $18 ($31) Alien: Romulus Limited-Edition Steelbook 4K Blu-ray $42 (was $66) | Limited-Time Deal Along with artwork of the cast and Xenomorph on the front, the case's interior gets you a close-up look at the encounter between the Xenomorph and colonist Rain (Cailee Spaeny).You'll get 4K Blu-ray and standard Blu-ray discs as well as a voucher for the digital version of the film. Here's the full list of special features included with all Blu-ray editions of the film.Alien: Romulus Bonus FeaturesDolby Atmos audio trackReturn to Horror - Crafting Alien Romulus: A closer look at how Fede Alvarez collaborated with Ridley Scott to create Romulus, plus interviews with the cast, how the story came to life, and how practical effects were used in the film.Inside the Xenomorph Showdown: Go behind the scenes of the iconic zero-gravity Xenomorph battle.Alien - A Conversation: Ridley Scott and Fede Alvarez talk about the Alien 45th Anniversary.Alternate endingDeleted scenes See at Amazon See at Walmart Alien: Romulus on 4K Blu-ray (Standard Edition) $28 (was $50) The non-steelbook edition of the 4K release also includes a Blu-ray disc, the digital version, and the same special features. The only difference between the two is the steelbook case.Directed by Fede Alvarez, Alien: Romulus follows a group of friends attempting to reach an abandoned space station, hoping to find a way off their unforgiving planet. Instead, they stumble upon a horrifying life form and a dark secret about the stations past. The film earned solid reviews from critics and is one of the better Alien films in recent memory.Alien: Romulus at AmazonAlien: Romulus Limited-Edition Steelbook (4K Blu-ray) -- $42 ($66)Alien: Romulus on 4K Blu-ray -- $28 ($50)Alien: Romulus on Blu-ray -- $23 ($41)Alien Romulus on DVD -- $19 ($35)Alien: Romulus at WalmartAlien: Romulus Limited-Edition Steelbook (4K Blu-ray) -- $42 ($66)Alien: Romulus on 4K Blu-ray -- $28 ($50)Alien: Romulus on Blu-ray -- $23 ($41)Alien Romulus on DVD -- $19 ($35) See at Amazon See at Walmart Alien: Romulus 4K Blu-ray Steelbook Limited EditionAlien Franchise BooksThe Alien franchise has been mined for art books, novels, comic books, and even a Little Golden Book that teaches kids the the alphabet. It's appropriately titled A is for Alien: An ABC Book. Check out some notable Alien books and comics below. It's also worth noting that Alien: Galaxy of Nightmares, a hardcover collection of modern Alien comics from Marvel, is up for preorder for $45 at Amazon ahead of its June 3 release.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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