• Need to call an Uber or Lyft on base? The US Army's opening the gates.
    2025-03-24T12:20:01Z Read in app A US Army soldier conducts radio checks while manning the entry control point during a training exercise at Fort Bliss, Texas. U.S. Army photo by SPC William Thompson This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now.Have an account? The US Army is partnering with Lyft and Uber for a military base access pilot program.The pilot aims to improve transportation for over 600,000 personnel on six Army bases.If successful, the initiative could expand to over 20 military bases nationwide.The US Army wants to open its base gates to Uber and Lyft drivers to give soldiers more options for getting around.A new partnership and pilot program starting Monday morning involving the US Army and ride-share companies Lyft and Uber seeks to increase the number of drivers approved to enter six military bases. The program aims to expand driver opportunities and improve transportation for troops on and off base.Access to military bases is normally only granted to servicemembers, their families, and government civilians. Now, company drivers without any government affiliation will be allowed to sign up for base access.Testing the watersThe new pilot program, currently set to last just two months, will initially focus on six Army installations home to over 600,000 service members, families, and government civilians, Uber said.Locations include Fort Bliss in Texas, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, and three base locations in Hawaii. If the new program is successful, the Army hopes to expand the initiative to over 20 bases. The Buffalo Soldier Gate at Fort Bliss, Texas. US Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael West/2ABCT "This pilot is our response to see if we can safely collaborate with the ride-share industry to simplify transportation options for everyone living on, working on, or even visiting our camps, posts, and installations," Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer said in an Army statement."We heard you and agree, it shouldn't be so hard to coordinate transportation onto our installations, but also in and around some of our larger ones," he said, addressing people affected.Military bases tend to be in isolated locations outside major metropolitan areas, leaving servicemembers with few public transportation options. Many junior enlisted troops don't own cars either, making it tough for some to secure reliable off-base travel during weekends."Through collaboration with the ride-share industry, we're able to provide our Soldiers and their families with safe, reliable and convenient transportation options that support their unique needs and enhance their overall quality of life," Army Secretary Dan Driscoll said in a statement.How it's going to work?Uber and Lyft drivers approved for military base access will receive a base access credential which could be digital or physical, according to an Army spokesman. But they won't be able to access base without an official work requirement.Drivers must display their ride requests on their phones to military gate guards, proving they are servicing a rider who already has base access credentials.Those who choose to opt in must pass the Army's base access vetting process, including an in-person background check, according to Uber. Such checks are normally performed at a military base's visitor center.It's unclear if additional incentives will be provided to ride-app drivers who can seek on-base credentialing, beyond expanding their pool of riders to base personnel. To gain base approval, they'll have to head to base access centers on their own dime and time. Joint Base Lewis-McChord's Liberty Gate. Courtesy photo, Joint Base Lewis-McChord Public Affairs Office The companies will also aim to hold a military recruiting drive to boost contract employment for on-base personnel seeking to make a little extra money by breaking into the gig economy with ride-share work.News of the partnership with the Army comes as some ride-share drivers have sought to fight back against their statuses as "contractors," instead of employees. Being a full time employee provides more rights and benefits to drivers. But as contractors, a driver has the option to refuse rides and set their own hours.Data and insights from the initial six pilot locations will be used to refine and expand theWhile the initiative appears to be the most comprehensive effort from the DoD to expand transportation options for troops in a meaningful way, a few military bases have sought ad hoc partnerships with companies in the past, including Joint Base San Antonio in Texas and a handful of southern California Navy bases.
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  • The only generation not in a sex recession
    If youve read the news lately, youve probably heard that Americans may be in the middle of a sex recession. But at least one demographic of people are having the best sex of their lives: Gen X women. At least thats the argument writer Mireille Silcoff makes in her most recent piece in the New York Times magazine. In it, she explores her own middle-aged sexual awakening. I was trying to explain a moment that I was really seeing everywhere, she told Vox. Between her own life, her friends experiences, and the portrayals in pop culture that were popping up everywhere, she sensed a trend emerging. There seems to be something new in the air having to do with 50-year-old women, their bodies, sex, and relationships.So what is in the air right now? And whats behind these later-in-life sexual revelations? We talked to Silfcoff to find out exactly whats going on here in this weeks episode of Explain It to Me, Voxs weekly call-in show. Below is an excerpt of our conversation, edited for length and clarity. You can listen to Explain It to Me on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts. If youd like to submit a question, send an email to askvox@vox.com or call 1-800-618-8545.What prompted you to write about this in the first place?I split up from my ex in my late 40s, after a very long relationship of 21 years. When I came out of it, I just thought that what lay ahead of me would be a pretty spinster-ish existence. I was really, really sick for a long time in my adulthood, and my marriage was very long and there were two children. I just felt like, Well, who is going to want this bag of problems? Now Im 50. Life is going to be orange pekoe tea, Masterpiece Theater, taking care of my kids, and hopefully remobilizing my writing, and thats it. And then instead what happened was I had a lot of wonderful new relationships with a lot of wonderful men and the kind of sex that I dont think I had even had in my 20s: a total new world of openness, exploration, interest, comfort in myself, self-knowledge and even, I daresay, wisdom. It felt revelatory. And at first, I felt like this was my weird, cool story. But then, as stuff started coming out of the culture, some of my other friends divorced and had similar situations to mine, I realized that what I had been doing or what I had experienced post-marriage was really part of a much larger cultural story that might ring true for many women in America and beyond today. What do you think the factors are in this mid-life sexual revitalization? The women who are middle-aged now are for the most part Gen X. Youre starting to get some millennial middle-aged people as well. And Gen X women had a really interesting formative experience when it comes to sex in the 90s. Divorce is also happening later than ever. Divorce and sexual exploration for women is a very old story: You get divorced and suddenly find a little piece of yourself sexually. I feel like thats kind of a big part of the story as well. So women having a bit of this sexual rediscovery later and finding when theyre 47 or 55 that desire is still there, that sexual function is still there, that thanks to the amazing strides that Gen Z and millennials have made opening up whats acceptable sexually acceptance is still there. So Gen X women are more comfortable in their bodies. They may be more into figuring out kinks and things like that. Why do you think this is happening with Gen X women in particular? Why is this generation so different from boomers? Boomers were constricted by a lot of societal norms that were, for lack of a better way of putting it, very mid-century. There was an open attitude toward sex, and free love was a boomer construct. But what happened with all of that stuff is that when all of those ideas really came to roost in the late 80s and the early 90s when women were suddenly working but men were still the bosses it created a tough situation for the people who inherited that very open sexual culture.I see Gen X as being a generation of women who really were plunked into an extremely sexualized landscape and were needing to fend for themselves. There wasnt a lot of support for how to navigate bosses who were sexually predatory. There werent a lot of roadmaps for how to have sex or how to be a sexual person. That was both good and bad, because, for instance, many women didnt experience orgasms because they just couldnt figure out how and their male partners couldnt figure out how so it just didnt happen. I feel like that wouldnt happen now. Youve got things like OMG Yes, which is a website where you can find out how to have a female orgasm. Its a much more open environment now in order to find out about sex. But at the same time among the younger generations, there is a bit of a cliff thats happened with sexual frequency. I want to talk about that a little bit. There are so many conversations right now about how young people are having less and less sex. It seems like theres a backlash to sex positivity. Do you think millennials and Gen Z women take these sexual freedoms for granted?You do take it for granted, as you should. The parents create the situation, and the young people take it for granted. I think that the culture has basically conspired in every way imaginable against intimacy, against having an open and easy sexuality, against relationships. I dont think its a coincidence that you really see the sexual drop off starting to happen in the same years that the iPhone was introduced. Its in the same years that social media really got going. The culture has basically conspired in every way imaginable against intimacy, against having an open and easy sexuality, against relationships.People go out less, they hang out less. They do things together less in weird spaces where things can get weird. There was a lot more natural weirdness back in the day. And natural weirdness can lead to intimate moments which can lead to sex. I just feel like theres a certain cleanliness of experience in the culture right now where people are so afraid to intermingle in those old ways. It has had a big effect on peoples ability to hook up or have casual sex or go from one boyfriend to another to another until you find one that you like. In some ways, I think its wonderful for middle-aged people who already had that socialization. What do you hope for middle-aged women moving forward? Especially when it comes to sex, desire, and relationships?Now is the time for them to seize the moment, to see that we are living in an era where a number of factors have come together in a perfect storm to create a truly interesting, generative, wonderful, and joyful possibility for women to be sexual at the age of 50. I want women to know that it is fleeting because things dont last forever. What I would love to see is women who are able to indulge in this moment, whether they are married, whether theyre not married. If youre not married, go out there and have confidence that there are people that want you, that there are people that are interested in you. And for women who arent into having sex, or who cant have a very active sex life at the age of 50 to still bask in the glory of the fact that for the first time in, I would say, all of humanity, the middle-aged female body has grown important. See More:
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  • Theres a pattern in Trumps power grabs
    Youve surely heard First They Came, German pastor Martin Niemllers famous poem about the road to Nazi Germany. Its one of those texts quoted so often that it can feel clich. First they came for the communists / And I did not speak out / Because I was not a communist the poem begins, listing off other targeted groups before its widely referenced conclusion: Then they came for the JewsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a JewThen they came for meAnd there was no one leftTo speak out for meYet despite its overexposure, theres a subtlety to Niemllers poem thats not often appreciated something beyond the abstract your rights depend on protecting others message. He is describing a specific strategy that Nazis used to dismantle German democracy.There is a reason why the Nazis targeted the groups on Niemllers list: German politics made them particularly easy to demonize. They were either vulnerable minorities (Jews) or politically controversial with the German mainstream (communists, socialists, trade unionists).After rising to power, Nazis pitched power grabs as efforts to address the alleged threat posed by menaces like Judeo-Bolshevism, harnessing the powers of bigotry and political polarization to get ordinary Germans on board with the demolition of their democracy.Whats happening in America right now has chilling echoes of this old tactic. When engaging in unlawful or boundary-pushing behavior, the Trump administration has typically gone after targets who are either highly polarizing or unpopular. The idea is to politicize basic civil liberties questions to turn a defense of the rule of law into either a defense of widely hated groups or else an ordinary matter of partisan politics.The administrations first known deportation of a green card holder targeted a pro-Palestinian college activist at Columbia University, the site of some of the most radical anti-Israel activity. For this reason, Columbia was also the first university it targeted for a funding cutoff. Trump has also targeted an even more unpopular cohort: The first group of American residents sent to do hard labor in a Salvadoran prison was a group of people his administration claimed without providing evidence were Tren de Aragua gang members.Trump is counting on the twin powers of demonization and polarization to justify their various efforts to expand executive authority and assail civil liberties. They want to make the conversation less about the principle whether what Trump is doing is legal or a threat to free speech and more a referendum on whether the targeted group is good or bad.There is every indication this pattern will continue. And if we as a society fail to understand how the Trump strategy works, or where it leads, the damage to democracy could be catastrophic.How Trumps strategy worksTo see this Trump strategy in action, watch White House aide Stephen Millers recent interview with CNNs Kasie Hunt. During the interview, Hunt repeatedly presses Miller on whether the administration violated a court order by sending alleged Tren de Aragua members to El Salvador. Miller refuses to engage on that key issue of democratic principle. Instead, he repeatedly tries to reframe the debate around the necessity of confronting the gang, arguing that insisting on legal niceties means handing the country over to marauders.How are you going to expel illegal alien invaders from our country, who are raping [and] murdering little girls, if each and every deportation has to be adjudicated by a district court judge? Miller argues. That means you have no country. It means you have no sovereignty. It means you have no future.This, of course, is not a legal argument. If anything, it sounds like a parody of a political argument: Oh, so you oppose sending people to be tortured in a Salvadoran prison camp without due process? Guess you must support Tren de Aragua killing little girls.But as absurd as this sounds, its proven to be a powerful form of logic and not just in extreme cases like Nazi Germany. In the years after 9/11, the Bush administration and its allies used similar arguments to discredit critics of its policies who have since been vindicated by events. Observers who warned of the threat to civil liberties from warrantless spying and Guantanamo Bay were dismissed as terrorist sympathizers. Iraq war skeptics were labeled Saddam apologists. This youre with us or against us kind of moral blackmail worked on many, both at home and abroad.The crucial role of partisan polarizationOf course, this kind of thing worked in the Bush era because there was so much hurt and anger among ordinary Americans in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. As much as many Americans may dislike Tren de Aragua or pro-Palestine campus protesters, theres nothing like the level of public hysteria that we saw in the wake of one of the countrys greatest disasters.Which is why the Trump administrations rhetorical strategy also taps into another kind of dividing logic the all-powerful force of partisan polarization. The Trump administrations rhetoric doesnt just attempt to link their opponents in general to gang members and terrorists. They also attempt to link judges and other nonpartisan authorities to Democrats. At a Wednesday press briefing, for example, press secretary Karoline Leavitt referred to the judge who weighed in on the legality of the El Salvador deportations as a Democrat activist.The idea here is to assimilate a question of basic legal principles into a familiar partisan script Democrats vs. Republicans. And by invoking the polarizing power of partisan politics, they portray what is really a fundamental clash over the rule of law as yet another spat between the two parties.Theres substantial evidence that this approach could really work to legitimize Trumps policies.Eminent Holocaust historian Christopher Browning has written several essays in the New York Review of Books that document what he calls troubling similarities between interwar Germany and America today. One of Brownings key points is that the rise of Nazism was, in large part, a cautionary tale about hyperpolarization. The German center-right elite hated the left parties so much that they preferred Hitler, who was extreme even to their tastes and were willing to hand him exceptional powers to crack down on civil liberties in service of crushing socialism and communism.While Browning focuses his ire on conservative elites he compares Sen. Mitch McConnell to Paul von Hindenburg, the German president who made Hitler chancellor social science tells us that polarization can have a similar effect on ordinary voters.In a 2020 paper, political scientists Matthew Graham and Milan Svolik published a paper testing the effect of polarization on citizens views on democracy. Using unusually high-quality data, Svolik and Graham were able to show that vanishingly few Americans roughly 3.45 percent were willing to vote against a candidate from their preferred party even if that candidate engaged in clear anti-democratic behavior. This, they argue, is a function of polarization. When you hate the other side enough, the policy stakes of elections feel really high and voters are willing to overlook even egregious abuses of power.In sharply divided societies, voters put partisan ends above democratic principles, they write. This analysis was critically important to understanding why Trump could win in 2024 even after the stain of January 6. Today, it helps us understand how Trumps rhetorical strategies hope to numb Americans and especially fellow Republicans to an assault on their fundamental liberties.See More: Politics
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  • McDonalds Minecraft Movie Adult Happy Meals: Start date, full list & all we know
    Grab yourself a Happy Meal for adults with a new Minecraft Movie Meal here's what we know about what's included, and when you can get your own one before collectors swoopTech10:46, 24 Mar 2025Which one are you after?(Image: McDonald's)Minecraft is one of the world's most popular video games, and we've recently seen the announcement of a theme park, and even a sort-of sequel from the original creator.Hollywood's gone 'block mad', too, with the new Minecraft Movie bringing together Jason Momoa, Jack Black, Jennifer Coolidge, and more. While we've already seen Doritos revamp its crisps to squares for the movie's launch, many are just as excited for a new McDonalds promotion.Article continues belowThe iconic fast food chain is offering what might be its first ever 'Adult Happy Meal', with six collectible toys up for grabs in a move that has already captured the imagination of collectors. Here's all we know about the collaboration, including when you can grab your own.These classic McDonalds mascots are getting a blocky makeover(Image: McDonald's)The Minecraft Movie Happy Meals will debut on March 26, meaning Minecraft fans and Happy Meal enthusiasts don't have long to wait at all.The promotion sees blocky toys up for grabs(Image: McDonalds)The new Happy Meal comes wth the usual inclusions of a main, side, and drink, but includes one of six Minecraft versions of McDonalds characters.Hamburgler, Grimace, and Birdie all feature, as well as some Minecraft creatures like the Creeper, a bee, and pink sheep, while the addition of blockified McDonalds items like fries and burgers is a nice touch.Which collectible have you got your eyes on?(Image: McDonalds)It's not just the happy meal, either. McDonalds is offering a new McFlurry in an Apple Cake flavour, with apple and shortcake toppings, as well as a 'Nether Flame' hot sauce that's likely to be perfect for nuggets and fries alike.Finally, there are Cheesy Garlic Bread Dippers to try, too. Which will you be trying?The full Minecraft menu is impressive(Image: McDonalds)As for the film, A Minecraft Movie drops on April 4 at cinemas, and has reportedly been in development under various versions since 2014. It's being directed by Jared Hess, who previously directed Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, and 2024's Thelma The Unicorn.Article continues belowNow, is anyone else's stomach rumbling after reading all that, or just me?For the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.
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  • Nintendo Direct rumoured for this week as Hollow Knight: Silksong gets update
    Two Directs in two weeks? (Nintendo)Multiple sources have suggested a Nintendo Direct is scheduled for this week, just before the Switch 2s big showcase.While everyone is anticipating next weeks Nintendo Direct for the Switch 2, new rumours suggest the company has a surprise up its sleeve over the coming days.Earlier this year, several insiders claimed another Nintendo Direct, dedicated to the original Switch, was planned for February, prior to the Switch 2 blowout on April 2, 2025. This included talk about a Kirby: Planet Robobot remaster and one final big game which is yet to be announced, described as a new version of a niche beloved franchise.While these rumours were tossed into oblivion after February went by without a peep from Nintendo, multiple sources have now suggested a Switch 1 focused Nintendo Direct could be happening after all.This latest wave of rumours stems from an insider on Chinese social media site Weibo (via Reddit), who previously leaked details about last years Nintendo Direct in June. In a somewhat cryptic post, he appears to suggest a Nintendo Direct dedicated to the Switch will take place on Wednesday, March 26.While in isolation this could be brushed off as wishful thinking, two other sources have alluded to the same thing. Famiboards user ninspider, who posted accurate drawings of the Switch 2 last year, responded with a wink emoji when asked if a Nintendo Direct is planned for this month.Similarly, VGC editor Andy Robinson responded with a thinking face to a post on Bluesky which praised Nintendo for not having any more Switch Directs before the big Switch 2 presentation, implying something might actually be on the cards.Nintendo usually announces these presentations at least a day in advance, so if it is true, some form of confirmation will likely arrive on Monday and Tuesday. Although, its perhaps best to take all of this with a pinch of salt.In what may, or may not, be sheer coincidence, these rumours have coincided with new activity around Hollow Knight: Silksong.Team Cherrys long-awaited sequel, which was announced six years ago, recently received some minor backend updates on Steam (via SteamDB) related to revised images and a copyright date adjustment from 2019 to 2025.There were updates to the games Steam meta data last year too, which amounted to nothing, but the timing in terms of the alleged Nintendo Direct is interesting.More TrendingThis also comes after Microsoft mentioned Hollow Knight: Silksong in a blog post earlier this month, alongside games like Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 and FBC: Firebreak, which are both scheduled for this year.Insider extas1s recently claimed the sequel is planned for June 2025 at the latest, although he hasnt been reliable on the subject in the past.Team Cherry has not announced any release date (or window) for Hollow Knight: Silksong, but the developer did reaffirm the game was real and progressing in January this year.Any rumours around the Hollow Knight sequel are hard to take seriously given all the previous ones have come to nothing, but it would certainly be a smart move to launch it around the same time as the Switch 2 which is also expected to launch in or around June. Is Silksong set to actually launch this year? (Team Cherry)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Building Appropriately: Brinda Somaya on Connecting Generations of Indian Architecture
    Building Appropriately: Brinda Somaya on Connecting Generations of Indian ArchitectureSave this picture!Vikram Sarabhai Library. Image Somaya SampatIndia today is a country of 1.4 billion people requiring every type of building imaginablehospitals, colleges, housing, and more. Championing sensibility and practicality in design is Brinda Somaya, an internationally acclaimed architect, urban conservationist, and academician, recently named an honorary member of the 2025 class of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects. Her work demonstrates a careful response to cultural contexts enriched with a grounded understanding of functionality, transforming them into modern relics. A four-decade career has built her portfolio that spans architecture, master-planning, and historic preservation - a constantly unfolding legacy. Save this picture!Somaya's journey with architecture has spanned the eras of post-colonialism to globalization in India, connecting generations of praxis. Through these periods, she has upheld a set of core values. "I've always been clear about my design sensibility, which isn't about style or impressing people. My approach is focused on the geography of the site, the ethnicity, and the culture of the people who will use the building" she shares in conversation with ArchDaily. Her projects are marked by a spirit of celebration - of craftsmanship, history, culture, climate and the landscape.Save this picture!Although steadfast in her principles, Somaya's design philosophies remain flexible and allow her work to respond to India's evolving cultural landscape. "Every situation involves different land, people, and project requirements. We must build appropriately to suit the purpose at hand", she believes. She designs with integrity for a country that is growing rapidly, with individuals at different economic levels pulling the industry in multiple directions. Related Article Protecting Cultural Heritage: Sustainable Solutions for India's Rivers Save this picture!Save this picture!To Somaya, different projects can have different types of impact. After an earthquake in Gujarat destroyed an entire village, Somaya worked with a headstrong village leader to rebuild it as per the users' needs. Through participatory design, the effort enabled the village to rebuild their own homes and empowered the community.She worked on other intimate projects with a similar approach. While redoing a temple plaza, the local flower sellers had to be rehabilitated. After a casual meeting with the flower sellers, her team realized their concerns and designed shops with new elevations along with necessary provisions for their businesses to flourish. Somaya's work is ultimately about understanding what people want. Save this picture!Save this picture!At a contrasting scale, her firm's expertise is seen in their designs for high-tech facilities for IIT Mumbai and corporate headquarters for Tata and Bharat Petroleum. Their large-scale corporate and educational campuses are characterized by injecting public facilities like parks and plazas.Notably, the studio has led major conservation projects, especially in Mumbai, such as the clock towers, churches, and corporate buildings. Somaya's senseful approach breathes a new life into structures of historical significance like the Rajabai Tower in Mumbai and the Louis Kahn Campus at IIM-Ahmedabad. The variety of work, in terms of function and location throughout the country, has determined the outcome of her architecture.Save this picture!Save this picture!Somaya attributes her success during her early years to support from her family, and the opportunities her hometown Mumbai brought her. Starting her practice in her mid-twenties with an industrial shed project, her clients were typically progressive and broad-minded, allowing her to understand their functional needs while considering other aspects of design. "I don't think any other city in India would have given these opportunities to a young woman in the 1970s, which speaks to the cosmopolitan nature of Mumbai", reflects SomayaWith a practice that began at a time when the industry was male-dominated, Somaya advocates for the promotion of women architects in India. Along with her lawyer-turned-architect daughter, she organized an international conference that included women architects from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Singapore and Australia. The presentations were documented in a book titled An emancipated place: The proceedings of the conference and exhibition held in Mumbai, February 2000 which is now in its fourth printing.Save this picture!After a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Mumbai University and a Master of Arts from Smith College in Northampton, MA, U.S.A, she founded the Somaya and Kalappa Consultants in 1978 in Mumbai, India. Her work has earned several accolades such as the Aga Khan Award, the Indian Institute of Architects Baburao Mhatre Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement, and the UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation Award.In a globalized world where international design concepts are easy to replicate, Somaya believes it is all the more necessary to be guardian for the local built and natural environment. She reinstates that one must tread lightly on the land where they build and understand the context. "As architects, we need that freedomthe work itself will ultimately be the judge."Image gallerySee allShow lessAbout this authorAnkitha GattupalliAuthorCite: Ankitha Gattupalli. "Building Appropriately: Brinda Somaya on Connecting Generations of Indian Architecture" 24 Mar 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1028249/building-appropriately-brinda-somaya-on-connecting-generations-of-indian-architecture&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Migiui Neighborhood Facility / Architect-K
    Migiui Neighborhood Facility / Architect-KSave this picture! Yoon JoonhwanArchitects: Architect-KYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2023 PhotographsPhotographs:Yoon JoonhwanMore SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. Can architecture vanish into the landscape and guide us back to nature? At a site once untouched by human handslater scarred by artificial interventionsthis question became our starting point. Rather than imposing form on the wounded terrain, we sought to listen: to the ochre-colored soil, the quiet reservoir, and the forested backdrop of Goun Mountain. Architecture here was not designed to stand apart, but to move with the landto form a gentle path through which nature and people might meet once again.Save this picture!The site lies within a Hanok village in Ulju-gun, Ulsan, nestled in the foothills of Goun Mountain, part of the Yeongnam Alps. Initially preserved by strict development regulations, the land remained untouched for years. But following the construction of a neighboring Hanok village to the north, the site was abruptly severed by a reinforced stone wall, and its natural hilly contours were flattened. After building restrictions were lifted, the site remained desertedits topography erased, its soil exposed, and its landscape fragmented. Yet when we visited, the adjacent Golan-mot Pond reflected the warm autumn colors of the mountain, revealing the quiet resilience of nature beneath the scars. Rather than interpret the site through an urban lens, we chose to trace the shifting layers of time embedded in nature. Our aim was to create a place where human life and the natural world could once again co-exist and interact.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The first step was restoring the land. The western part of the site was lowered to reconnect with the reservoir, and a soft slope was formed toward the eastern road. Native trees, stones, and water elements were reintroduced to evoke the memory of the original forest. The architecture followed this gestureconceived as an 80-meter-long forest path connecting the entrance and the water's edge. Caf spaces, rest zones, and courtyards are quietly embedded along this route, dissolving the line between built and natural environments.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Three open courtyards blur the boundaries between inside and outside, guiding visitors through a slow ten-minute walk that fosters reflection. The caf operates with limited access, allowing a calm, immersive experience. Menus inspired by natural elementswood, stone, and waterenhance sensory engagement with the landscape.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!To heighten this experience, the architecture was minimized in presence. A 28mm-thick curved glass faade brings maximum transparency, demanding technical solutions in structural design, insulation, and installation. Stainless steel eaves trace the building's curves, regulating sunlight and reinforcing the flowing form. Multi-layered eaves and rooftop landscaping integrate structure and ecology, while prefabricated metal components streamline construction and precision. MIGIUImeaning "unknown" in Koreanrepresents the space between architecture and nature, between stillness and presence. It invites visitors into a quiet journey of rediscoverynot only of the land but of themselves.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessProject locationAddress:129, Songnakgol-gil, Sangbuk-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, South KoreaLocation to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.About this officeArchitect-KOfficeMaterialsGlassConcreteMaterials and TagsPublished on March 24, 2025Cite: "Migiui Neighborhood Facility / Architect-K" 24 Mar 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1028248/migiui-neighborhood-facility-architect-k&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Empathy and Innovation Define HP Amplify 2025
    Ive been attending and covering HPs partner events like Amplify for decades, and it has always struck me that HP treats its partners like family.That kind of partner relationship is vastly different from what Ive seen at other companies Ive worked for firms that claim to value partners but often treat them like a burden theyd rather not deal with. HPs approach should be the standard. Instead, it is the exception. Enrique Lores is a unique CEO, and while HP has had some problematic CEOs, Lores embodies the empathy and customer focus of HPs founders.It is rare to see a CEO mingling with attendees, soliciting feedback, and engaging in meaningful conversations at events. Typically, CEOs retreat to the background after a brief appearance on stage, leaving the spotlight to others.However, HPs Amplify partner event was different. It was marked by the unusual presence of HPs CEO, who actively roamed the event floor, interacting with partners and attendees alike. This level of engagement was unprecedented and set the tone for a truly remarkable experience.Lets talk about HP Amplify this week. Then, well close with my Product of the Week, an upcoming notebook from HP that uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon solution correctly which, sadly, is also an exception.HPs Focus on End Users and PartnersThe HP Amplify event was unusual not only because of the CEOs approachability but also because of its extreme focus on end users and partners.Unlike many industry events that primarily showcase engineering feats and product specifications, Amplify prioritized the experiences and needs of its customers and partners.HP demonstrated a commendable dedication to understanding and addressing the real-world applications and challenges faced by those who use its products daily.AI Tools Streamline Customer, Partner ServiceInternally, HP has been pioneering the aggressive use of artificial intelligence (AI).At Amplify, the demonstration of AI tools designed to streamline the process of matching customers and partners with the right products was particularly noteworthy. These AI solutions enhance the efficiency and accuracy of product recommendations, ensuring that the end users receive the most suitable options to meet their needs.This focus on AI extends beyond internal operations, showcasing HPs commitment to leveraging advanced technologies to improve customer satisfaction.PC and Printer SecurityHPs leadership in security was evident across both its PC and printer lines. With a strong emphasis on protecting user data and ensuring safe operations, HP continues to innovate in this critical area.Its unique Quantum Safe printer offerings represent a significant leap forward in safeguarding sensitive information. These printers are designed to address the emerging threats of quantum computing, ensuring they remain secure even as technology evolves.Expanding AI PC Product LinesIn an impressive move, HP announced the introduction of 60 new AI PC products. This significant expansion positions HP at the forefront of the desktop AI PC market.By focusing on desktop AI capabilities, HP is not only catering to current market demands but also paving the way for future dominance.This initiative highlights HPs strategic approach to incorporating AI into its product development, ensuring it remains competitive and innovative.Employee Care: A Legacy of CompassionHPs unique focus on employee care was another highlight of the Amplify event. This mindset is not a recent development but a foundational principle dating back to the companys inception. The companys commitment to its employees is reflected in various initiatives and policies aimed at ensuring their well-being and professional growth. This approach fosters a positive work environment and contributes to the companys overall success.Sustainability and Product ReuseHPs advancements in product reuse and a market-leading focus on sustainability were prominently showcased at Amplify.The company has made significant strides in reducing environmental impact through innovative practices and sustainable product designs. HPs dedication to sustainability is evident in its efforts to create products that are not only efficient but also environmentally responsible.HP Supply Chain Prepared for DisruptionHPs proactive logistics pivot in anticipation of the trade wars has positioned it as arguably the best-prepared vendor in the industry.By adapting logistics strategies to mitigate potential disruptions, HP has ensured continuity and reliability in its supply chain. This level of preparedness demonstrates HPs foresight and strategic planning capabilities, making it a dependable partner in uncertain times.Training Partner AIs: Empowering Through KnowledgeOne of the most compelling aspects of HPs strategy is its dedication to training partner AIs. By focusing on desktop AI, HP is uniquely positioned to help users understand and maximize the potential of personal AI capabilities. This educational approach ensures that partners and end users are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.HP CEO Honored for Ethical LeadershipAt the core of HPs business philosophy is the belief that doing good leads to doing well. This principle was exemplified by HP CEO Enrique Lores recent recognition with the Lifetime Achievement Award from Just Capital a prestigious accolade that underscores HPs commitment to empathy, heart, and ethical business practices.The award is a testament to the companys dedication to making a positive impact on society while achieving business success.Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways From HP Amplify 2025HPs Amplify partner event was a remarkable showcase of innovation, strategic thinking, and heartfelt commitment to both customers and partners.From the CEOs hands-on engagement to the companys focus on AI, security, sustainability, and employee care, HP demonstrated why it is a leader in the industry.As HP continues to push the boundaries of technology and prioritize the well-being of its stakeholders, HP proves that the company you want to do business with is one that cares deeply about doing good to do well.So, the next time you see a CEO asking attendees for feedback, you might want to pinch yourself and make sure youre not dreaming. If you are dreaming, lets hope its about HPs innovative products and its CEO winning awards for being such a compassionate leader.Because with HP, reality really does feel like a dream.HP EliteBook 6 G1qImage Credit: HPQualcomms Snapdragon laptop solution was uniquely positioned to benefit from Microsofts AI PC effort, but Qualcomms strength isnt in processors; its in connectivity. While the processor was impressive, decoupling it from the 5G modem significantly weakened the offering.The issue with 5G modems is that they arent extremely popular. However, I expect that will change as we advance AI use because, today, most AI capability is in the cloud, not on the PC, which makes the connectivity option far more critical.The upcoming HP EliteBook 6 G1q includes a modem and features HP Go, a service that connects you instantly for about $20 per month. Ive used 5G laptops in the past, and they can be a godsend when Wi-Fi isnt available or when it sucks.As you would expect, this laptop has massive battery life, meaning you can leave your power supply behind (the last Qualcomm laptop I had could go several days without needing a charge), and Qualcomms latest has far greater compatibility. The penalty for running it in emulation (for applications that arent native) has dropped to around 4%, which most folks wont even notice.I havent had a chance to use the laptop yet, and were still waiting on pricing and availability. Still, this is what Qualcomm-based AI PCs should have always been.With Microsoft finally releasing Recall, which runs continuously, I expect this product to shine very well competitively, so its my Product of the Week.
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