• Add AI to your Reallusion Avatars in Unreal Engine 5 Using Convai!
    Do you want the characters in your digital worlds to do more than just exist and repeat the same dialogues like traditional NPCs? AI-powered NPCs are the solution here, and with Convai, developers can bring the NPCs created using Reallusion Character Creator 4 to life, enabling them with conversation, perception, and action generation capabilities. These realistic digital humans can be used across various industries within learning and training simulations, brand avatars for increasing brand engagement and Non-player characters (NPCs) in games. Create your own AI characters today! Visit https://convai.com to learn more. Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.
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  • Easily Configure Actions for AI Characters inside Unity!
    Understanding complex commands from a player and translating them into actions is essential for AI characters to seem more lifelike and appealing. This includes how your AI character responds, interacts with its environment, and performs certain tasks autonomously. Convai-powered characters inside Unity can navigate challenging instructions from users and convert them into natural actions, such as following the user, fetching items, performing meaningful animations, and many more. Ready to create AI Characters that can seamlessly perform complex actions? Watch the full Unity tutorial to get started! Visit Convai to learn more. For any queries, bug reports, collaborations, or business inquiries, contact us at support@convai.com
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  • AI Characters Talking With Each Other | Conversing About Topics You Choose | Convai Unity Tutorial
    Scripted dialogue also known as barks in game dev has been the way NPCs utter dialogues in virtual worlds. Now with AI-powered characters, these characters can have a generated conversation based on environment cues, character backgrounds, or even prompted topics. When various characters interact with each other it brings the environment to life and AI-powered characters keep the conversation fresh, lively, and topical, always. Whether youre building characters for learning and training environments, social virtual worlds, or games, such AI-to-AI conversations would become an essential component to engage and immerse your users. In this tutorial, well guide you on configuring the Group NPC control feature within your Convai SDK for Unity. This enables the Convai-powered AI NPCs in your Unity projects to interact with each other, in a real-time generated manner, about conversation topics you provide them. You can also interrupt the conversation between these AI NPCs, and join in on their chat too! We are also providing a test project that we created using this feature for you to try for yourself (linked below). Download the free sample project files:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddaxaRmdh_BTwO41KkipqwtD18Q11kYX/view Unity Asset Store plugin link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/behavior-ai/npc-ai-engine-dialog-actions-voice-and-lipsync-convai-235621 Convai NPC2NPC Documentation: https://docs.convai.com/api-docs/plugins-and-integrations/unity-plugin/tutorials/npc2npc Unity Scene HDRP: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/industrial/unity-factory-276400 [Tutorial] AI Reallusion Characters for Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va-qyFa312g [Tutorial] AI-To-AI Conversations for Unreal Engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ5DLgBat5I Sign up at https://convai.com to try it out. Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.Time Stamps: 00:00 Intro01:21 Video Overview01:45 Project Setup03:00 Initializing the Factory Scene03:17 Convai API Key Setup03:30 Make the Project Convai Powered04:30 Adding Characters to the Scene05:20 Add Convai NPC Component 05:55 Add Convai's Essential Components 06:13 Configure LipSync06:57 Configure Head and Eye Tracking07:50 Add Animations to Character08:18 Add Convai Group NPC Controller08:45 Add Speech Bubble08:57 Add Convai NPC Manager09:46 Testing Out10:23 Customizing Speech Bubble10:40 NPC Interruption Logic Adjustments11:30 Testing Out 12:03 OutroFollow us on your favorite platforms to stay in touch:Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nN6aEB7jub LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/convaitech/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/convai/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/convaitech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conv.ai/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConvaiOfficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@conv.ai ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/convai
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  • AI-powered Onboarding Character for Digital Twin Environments | Convai Unity Tutorial
    This Unity tutorial shows you how to add a Convai-powered Tour Guide character for your 3D virtual environments. Convais Narrative Design Feature lets creators add spatial anchors in the 3D environment which guides the 3D AI character to navigate the world while following step-by-step instructions. The character follows instruction prompts combined with the spatial anchors while conversing with the user in a contextual open-ended manner. This enables a whole set of use cases from onboarding, tour guides, companion characters, tutor characters, and many more. Check out this demo and tutorial on how to build this in Unity. We are also releasing the sample project source code along with the tutorial to get you started.Download the free Sample project files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddaxaRmdh_BTwO41KkipqwtD18Q11kYX/view?usp=drivesdk Unity Asset Store plugin link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/behavior-ai/npc-ai-engine-dialog-actions-voice-and-lipsync-convai-235621 Character Details:Name: Christina SmithID: 84434252-3776-11ef-a746-42010a7be00eNarrative Design Walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn_7tCx0Chip2mfSbOkqJLevEbm3jDuNV Convai Documentation: https://docs.convai.com/api-docs/plugins-and-integrations/unity-plugin/tutorials/narrative-design Unity Factory Scene HDRP: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/industrial/unity-factory-276400 Sign up at https://convai.com to try it out. Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.Time Stamps: 00:00 Tour Guide Demo 01:26 Narrative Design Feature Overview01:52 Video Overview02:13 Setting Up Project Prerequisites 02:34 Download Convai Asset for Unity02:41 Character's Narrative Flow Overview03:51 Initial Setup for Start Project04:38 Loading the Scene05:17 Adding the Player Controller05:23 Convai API Key Setup in Unity05:39 Test the Scene05:47 Disable Long Term Memory06:04 Adding Character Prefab 06:32 Adding Convai NPC Component06:49 Adding Animator Controller06:57 Enable Convai Components 07:11 Narrative Design Unity Overview07:31 Setting Up Facial Expressions08:42 Add a Capsule Collider 08:54 Add Nav Mesh Agent09:05 Quick Test09:36 Narrative Design Implementation 11:11 Creating Tour Guide Controller Script13:01 Adding Script to Narrative Design13:51 Testing the Tour Guide Demo15:31 Revisiting Narrative Design Implementation15:47 Final Test16:24 OutroFollow us on your favorite platforms to stay in touch:Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nN6aEB7jub LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/convaitech/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/convai/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/convaitech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conv.ai/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConvaiOfficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@conv.ai ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/convai
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  • Smart NPCs in your Web Browser Using PlayCanvas | Convai PlayCanvas Tutorial
    In this tutorial, well deep-dive into Convais integration with @playcanvas, and how virtual developers can leverage it to bring AI characters that can chat naturally, perceive their surroundings, and generate actions directly into the virtual worlds running on the browser. Well guide you step-by-step into setting up your first PlayCanvas project by building on top of the Convai SDK, import Convai essential components like Chat UI, head-tracking, and lipsync, and finally show you how you can bring Ready Player Me avatars and Reallusion ActorCore characters to your virtual world project. Sign up at https://convai.com to try it out. Also, subscribe to this YouTube channel and stay updated with our latest developments.Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.Test The Demo Yourself: https://playcanv.as/b/25608101 Convai Documentation (PlayCanvas Integration): https://docs.convai.com/api-docs/plugins-and-integrations/web-plugin/playcanvas-plugin Convai PlayCanvas SDK :https://playcanvas.com/project/1216467/overview/convai-sdk Convai Web SDK CDN :https://github.com/Conv-AI/web-sdk-cdn/blob/main/1.1.0/ConvaiWebGL.umd.js Avatar Related Resources: Reallusion Actor Core :https://actorcore.reallusion.com/ Blender :https://www.blender.org/ Blender AutoSetup (cc3_blender_tools) :https://github.com/soupday/CC3-Blender-Tools-Plugin Time-Stamps:00:00 Intro01:33 Video Overview01:47 Integrating Convai with PlayCanvas Project02:32 PlayCanvas Hierarchy Overview03:22 Building a New Project05:30 Add Convai Character06:01 Adding Convai Scripts06:31 Adding Convai Character ID and API Key06:47 Adding Chat UI07:10 Adding Ready Player Me Character08:24 Adding Reallusion ActorCore Avatar10:06 OutroFollow us on your favorite platforms to stay in touch:Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nN6aEB7jub LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/convaitech/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/convai/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/convaitech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conv.ai/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConvaiOfficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@conv.ai ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/convai
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  • Create AI NPCs That Act on Your Command or Request! | Convai Unreal Engine Integration
    A crucial element in creating lifelike AI characters is enabling them with the ability to generate actions. This includes how your AI character responds, interacts within its environment, and carries out certain tasks autonomously. Convai-powered characters can easily navigate complex verbal instructions and convert them into natural actions, such as following you, fetching items, performing meaningful animations and many more. Ready to create AI Characters that can seamlessly perform complex actions? Watch the full tutorial to get started! Visit Convai to learn more. For any queries, bug reports, collaborations, or business inquiries, contact us at support@convai.com
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  • Bring The Matrix to Life: How to Add AI-Powered Characters in @UnrealEngine's City Sample Scene!
    At Convai, we believe that simulations that closely approximate reality are stronger grounds for AI to evolve further and understand the world similar to how a human does. With such simulations, AI can achieve spatial understanding, engage in social interactions with various characters (both real humans and other AIs), have goals, objectives, and memories, and achieve agency that would lead to emergent properties along with social skills. One such great simulation came from the Unreal Engine team a few years ago with The Matrix Awakens Demo, and in this tutorial, we are enabling that project with Convai. Well guide you through integrating AI into hundreds of characters, turning them from static entities into lifelike characters capable of spatial awareness, dynamic interactions, goals, and memories. This is a step toward persistent virtual worlds where AI characters evolve with their own objectives, similar to the evolving characters seen in the Free Guy movie.Join us as we break down blueprints, tackle complexity, and unlock the future of AI-driven characters for virtual worlds.#UnrealEngine #AI #VirtualWorlds #TheMatrixAwakensSign up at https://convai.com to try it out. Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.Convai plugin for Unreal Engine: https://www.fab.com/listings/ba3145af-d2ef-434a-8bc3-f3fa1dfe7d5c City Sample Scene: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/city-sample Convai Narrative Design Release Video: https://youtu.be/XQnZB5SJmEM?t=1158 Project File: To be added soon! Be on the lookout. Time-Stamps:00:00 Intro01:14 Project Demo02:06 Video Overview02:22 Download the City Sample Scene02:40 Install and Enable Convai Plugin 02:59 Add Metahuman Character03:28 Enable Missing Plugins03:35 Test the Scene03:53 Configure Player Blueprint04:55 Add the Chatbot Component05:20 Configure Crowd Character Blueprint07:28 Create the Crowd Characters' Personality07:58 Add Knowledge Bank for Common Knowledge08:31 Add your API Key08:43 Add AI characters to Unreal Engine09:50 Update Main Character Blueprint Logic12:07 Enable Push to Talk12:15 Test it Out12:43 Add and Configure Body Animations18:41 Test out Animations19:17 Configure Lipsync and Facial Animations21:24 Test Out Facial Animations21:45 OutroFollow us on your favorite platforms to stay in touch:Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nN6aEB7jub LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/convaitech/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/convai/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/convaitech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conv.ai/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConvaiOfficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@conv.ai ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/convai
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  • Bring AI Reallusion Characters To Your Web-Browser Using Three.JS and React!!
    Reallusion CC4 is widely acclaimed for its realistic digital humans, and now you can bring these lifelike avatars directly to your browser! Using Three.js and React, these characters can seamlessly run on the web, while Convai powers them with AI to engage in natural conversations, understand surroundings, and perform actions in real-time. Perfect for web simulations, dynamic virtual applications, and more all directly in your browser. Watch to see how!Github Repository: https://github.com/Conv-AI/Reallusion-web/
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  • Create Lifelike Digital Humans in Unity Using @reallusion Avatars and Convai!!
    Transform your Reallusion Character Creator avatars into lifelike AI-powered characters with Convai. Reallusion Character Creator 4 provides the tools to craft realistic avatars, while Convai infuses them with the ability to engage in natural conversations, understand their surroundings, and generate actions and animations. The possibilities are endlesswhether youre developing personalized AI tutors for learning and training simulations, digital humans to increase brand engagement, or AI Characters in games. Create your own AI characters using Reallusion avatars today! Visit https://convai.com to learn more. Write to us at support@convai.com for any queries, bug reports, collab, or business-related engagement.
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  • Bring AI Characters to your Multiplayer Worlds with Convai!
    In this tutorial, well guide you through the process of adding Convais multiplayer functionalities to 3D avatars in Unreal Engine 5, including avatar types such as MetaHumans, Reallusion CC4, Ready Player Me, and custom avatars. By following these steps, you'll create virtual experiences where players and Convai-powered AI characters can seamlessly coexist, communicate, and interact. These AI characters are capable of engaging in natural conversation, perceiving their environment, and executing complex actions effortlessly, providing a truly immersive experience.Bring AI characters to life in your multiplayer worlds today! Visit Convai to learn more. For any queries, bug reports, collaborations, or business inquiries, contact us at support@convai.com.
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