• Improving Elden Rings lock-on experience
    Exploring how negative friction in the lock-on system affects the player experience.When does a game system cause too much negative friction for the player? And when is that friction outside of the philosophy of its intendeddesign?Like the games that have come before it, Elden Ring follows a strongly opinionated design philosophy. Give the player precise controls and challenges to master. Incentivize the player to discover and explore systems without holding the players hand at every step. So its curious that there are a few places where a system doesnt quite match this philosophy, or impedes the player in odd ways. And one system thats at the forefront of player frustration is the camera. So much so that the souls community commonly refers to it as another boss that you have tomaster.But why isthat?My own experience with Elden Ring piqued my curiosity to figure out why, and, how the player experience could potentially be improved. And I suspect its largely two pieces that contribute to player frustration: the experience of locking on to enemies, and the behavior of the camera once its locked on. However, Im going to focus on the lock-on experience for the time being as the latter is a far more challenging discussion to undertake.The current lock-on experienceBefore attempting any kind of improvements, we first need to understand what currently happens and how that relates to the needs of the player incombat.During play testing, I found what appears to be three main factors that determine what gets locked-on to. Whether creaturesare in the frontal cone of the player (the direction the character model isfacing);are in the view of the players camera (the view seen by the player);andthe distance the creature is to theplayer.It should also be noted that how close a creature is to the center of the frontal cone or player camera also influences what gets locked onto.In addition to this calculation, when a player attempts a lock-on the camera will also perform a second function. It will re-center the camera to the same direction the character model is facing, and even rotate to face the new target if successful. And this has a big effect on the overall experience.As a result of these factors, a few behaviors occur more frequently when trying to lockon:Creatures closer to the player tend to be preferred.Creatures that are within the frontal cone are generally preferred.Creatures outside the player camera are largely ignored, unless they are in the frontalcone.When a situation is unclear, a best guess is made. And theres a preference towards creatures that are closer to the center of the frontal cone, close to the player, and incamera.That sounds relatively straightforward, but theres a lot more to it in practice.What makes this experience frustratingElden Rings broader design philosophy is about the clear intentionality of its systems. The precise choreography of enemies that must be learned to be beaten. Or how the players knowledge of mechanics can be combined to create significant advantages.The lock-on systemwhile having relatively clear rulesdoesnt have the same feeling of intentionality when experienced by the player. And this is most clear when looking at the central purpose of any lock-on system: to aid the player in combat situations.Consider the following: I (the player) have several enemies around me. Some are passive. Some are aggressing towards me. And some are attacking me now. Before making any combat decisions, I have to consider a few important questions:Who is currently athreat?What is the most dangerous creature aroundme?What am I choosing to lookat?Am I currently being attacked?Am I about to get wrecked by that Horned Warrior(yes)?Once Ive evaluated the situation and choose to lock on to an enemy, I probably have a result that Im hoping for. And its here that unfortunately a number undesirable results can (and do) happen, showcased by a few different situations.Situation 1The character model facing a passive enemy far away while the camera is focused on an enemy who is closer and about to attack the player. And in this situation its very likely for the passive enemy in the frontal cone to be targeted.A classic example of this is accidentally locking on to a Sheep (a non-aggressive creature) in the distance when youre trying to fight a Deathbird (a dangerous field boss). And Ive definitely experienced this (or a variation of it) one more thanonce.Situation 2Two enemies are in the camera and one of them is currently attacking. The player is tracking this attacking enemy with the camera while running away. There is also another enemy in the frontal cone of the player, but off-camera and in melee range. Here, the likely lock-on target is this enemy in front of the character.Situation 3An enemy is in the frontal cone, but is fully obstructed from the players view. In addition there are enemies attacking the player, but further from the center of the players view. In a surprise twist, the obstructed enemy may actually be targeted.Situation 4Multiple enemies are attacking the player at the same time. Two are in melee range, both equidistant from the center of the frontal cone, but one is a more threatening enemy that will do significantly more damage if the attack lands. In this situation, either of these two melee-ranged enemies may be targeted.From the player perspective, all of these outcomes either produce inconsistent results or may not match their expectations. So what could we do to fix some of these problems? The answer is actually prettysimple.Include more conditions and adjust the logical hierarchy that affects how calculations aremade.Organizing thesolutionIn reviewing the player experience, I touched on a number of properties that we could potentially use to help make the lock-on system more helpful (aggression, damage output, etc). But because of Elden Rings design philosophy these properties cant be used generously. The need to align with some important rules:Deliberate player choices should not be overridden by a guess that a system mightmake.The system should not overly-guide or automate decisions the player has to make, so that other challenges the game presents arent trivialized.The system should be predictable enough to be learned by the player (without mucheffort).Doing so ensures that the system treats player actions as deliberate choices and fills out the remaining situations that are progressively less important (or clear) to theplayer.The new lock-onsystemWhen I began working on this new experience, I realized that the Elden Ring already had a lot going for it. And many of the tools that already exist (or Im guessing do) could still be used, including:the targeting sphere, where locking on isvalid.the frontal cone, that matches the character models point ofview.what Ill call the snapping area, where an attempted target lock is allowed to snap to a new position.the crosshair, used to calculate centricity.the lock-on area of creatures, which is a combination of the size of the creature model and a tolerance bubble the smaller the model is (for a reliable targetsize).the re-centering mechanic, but flipped so that the character model now centers on the camera view (and not viceversa).In addition to these tools, a few creature properties will help the player in certain situations.Distance from the CrosshairThe distance (in radians) between the lock-on area and the crosshair.Distance from the PlayerThe distance (in meters) between the creature and theplayer.Level of ObstructionHow much a creature is obstructed by objects in the world(01).Level of AggressionA system that classifies how much aggression a creature is showing. Levels are either passive (1), aggroed (2), or attacking (3).Threat LevelThe difficulty level of the creature. As a rough example, the difference between a Spirit Jellyfish (1), a Revenant (6), and a Deathbird (10).Damage OutputThe amount of damage the current creatures attack willinflict.In order for all of these tools to work however, they also need to follow the right logicone guided by the three main outcomes we want to achieve (player choice, minimal help, system predictability).The first part of the logic sets the initial scope for a more detailed analysis:Once creatures are in the locking sphere, the logic depends on whether creatures are in or out of thecamera:And when a situation is not entirely clear, a few different calculations need to bemade.This new logic and methods of calculation for competing outcomes helps the system in a number of different ways. First and foremost it strongly prefers player behavior over guessing. But its also designed so that as situations get less clear, the more the system aids the player. And there are a couple of major improvements for players, including:Passive creatures will no longer be accidentally targeted while others are more aggroed to the player (Situation 1).The re-centering mechanic will no longer produce undesirable results (Situation 2).Placing the center of the player camera (crosshair) on an enemy will actually target that enemy (something that doesnt always happen currently).Obstructed enemies will no longer be viable targets (Situation 3).In more ambiguous situations, more threatening enemies may be given preference to help the player react with more precision (Situation 4).Its also worth noting that de-prioritizing calculations is important as it could be very easy for these new character properties to automate player decisions in this system. Something that might be appropriate in another game, but probably not one by From Software.Wrapping upElden Ring is such an interesting and fantastic game, and Ill probably return to it in the future. But before I end, there is one disclaimer about this entire exploration I shouldmake.As much as I believe these changes would improve the player experience, they really are only a best guess. And proper interviews and play testing would be essential to be really sure of their efficacy.Originally written on jeleniauskas.com.Improving Elden Rings lock-on experience was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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  • Does Foam Rolling Actually Do Anything?
    Foam rolling seemed to come out of nowhere maybe 15 or 20 years ago. It enjoyed a monumental level of popularity, feeling for a while like maybe it was mandatory if you wanted to train well. Many of the supposed benefits of foam rolling turned out to be myths, but foam rolling has stuck around as one of many tools we can use for recovery and mobility. Lets separate fact from fiction.What is foam rolling?A foam roller is a cylinder, originally made of a slightly squishy foam, that you typically place on the floor. (The foam is similar to what a pool noodle is made of, but denser.) You then put a part of your body on top of the rollersay, your thighand move back and forth so that the cylinder (the foam roller) massages that part of you, assisted by the weight of your body pressing into it. 321 STRONG Foam Roller, Orange $29.85 at Amazon Shop Now Shop Now $29.85 at Amazon Its basically a form of self-massage, and you can adjust the intensity of the massage by leaning into the roller (to make it feel more intense) or by supporting your body on a free arm or leg (to make it gentler).Foam rollers are often about six inches in diameter, and may be as little as a foot long (for a mini roller) or two to three feet long for larger models. They also come in a variety of materials, including rollers that are textured, or that are stiffer or softer than the original foam type.When and how do you do foam rolling?Foam rolling is often done before a workout, as part of a warmup. Youll foam roll the muscles that your workout is about to use, and/or the ones that the workout may slightly stretch. Foam rolling can also be done as a session on its own, and is often marketed as being for recovery. This means different things to different people, but its often thought to relieve feelings of muscle soreness. Lets look at the myths and truths about foam rolling, and then return to the question of how best to use this tool.Foam rolling probably doesnt break up adhesionsOne theory about foam rolling relates to the fascia surrounding our muscles. Fascia is a catchall term for the membranes that surround our muscles. There is a belief among some trainers and health professionals that areas of fascia can get stuck to each other or to our muscles, and that these stuck-together areas are called adhesions.In this theory, foam rolling is good for us because it breaks up those adhesions. In reality, scientists have not been able to find evidence that adhesions are real. Sure, your fascia can end up adhering to nearby tissues as a result of healing from surgery or trauma, but thats not the same as the idea that your muscles are developing adhesions all the time from your daily life or from the exercise that you do, and that you need foam rolling or massage to release them.This theory is widespread enough that self-myofascial release is used as a synonym for foam rolling. But when scientists have looked for evidence that these adhesions exist or that foam rolling releases them, theyve failed to find any. The current evidence indicates that the term self-myofascial release is misleading and a misnomer, concludes a 2019 article on the subject. That doesnt mean that foam rolling is useless, just that the common explanation for what its doing in there is kind of just made up.Foam rolling probably helps mobility and flexibilityTo be able to move well during a workout, you want some muscles to be warm and ready to contract; you also want some muscles to be supple and able to be stretched. (Some muscles, of course, fall into both categories.) The warmup phase of your workout exists to help accomplish these goals.There is evidence that foam rolling can increase the flexibility of a muscle in the short term, much like stretching can. Athletes often want to avoid static stretching (holding a stretch for several seconds) before working out, since stretching tends to decrease strength temporarily. Fortunately, foam rolling seems to help increase flexibility without causing those short-term dents to strength and power. (So does dynamic stretching, but thats another story.)In some circles, the anti-foam-rolling pendulum has swung far enough that there are trainers saying its bad to work on mobility or flexibility before you exercise, because more flexibility isnt always better. But a proper warmup is there, in part, to give you the flexibility you need to do your exercise safely and effectively. If you need to foam roll your calves to be able to bend your ankles enough to squat well, then that foam rolling (and even some static stretching!) is a good thing to do before a squat workout.Foam rolling may help with sorenessIts probably best to think of foam rolling as a type of massage. The evidence on massage for muscle soreness and recovery is mixed, but many people do seem to find that foam rolling helps to relieve soreness; the scientific evidence backs that up, at least somewhat. Foam rolling may help by making you less sensitive to pain, which is not necessarily the same as helping you recover faster, but the bottom line is the important partpeople foam roll because it feels good.And thats the lesson to take away from this, I think. If foam rolling makes you feel better when you have a knot in your muscle, or if it helps relieve soreness so you can get on with your workout routine, then its worth doing whether its actually releasing adhesions or not.As for using a foam roller in a workout warmup, Id treat it the same way as any other warmup component, like static stretching or pre-lifting cardio: audition it, and see if it helps you to feel more ready for the main part of your workout. If it helps, keep it. And if it doesnt, ditch it in favor of something that does work for you.
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  • Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits
    Reddit just wrapped up its second earnings call as a public company and CEO Steve Huffman hinted at some significant changes that could be coming to the platform. During the call, the Reddit co-founder said the company would begin testing AI-powered search results later this year.Later this year, we will begin testing new search result pages powered by AI to summarize and recommend content, helping users dive deeper into products, shows, games and discover new communities on Reddit, Huffman said. He didnt say when those tests would begin, but said it would use both first-party and third-party models.Huffman noted that search on Reddit has gone unchanged for a long time but that its a significant opportunity to bring in new users. He also said that search could one day be a significant source of advertising revenue for the company.Huffman hinted at other non-advertising sources of revenue as well. He suggested that the company might experiment with paywalled subreddits as it looks to monetize new features. I think the existing, altruistic, free version of Reddit will continue to exist and grow and thrive just the way it has, Huffman said. But now we will unlock the door for new use cases, new types of subreddits that can be built that may have exclusive content or private areas, things of that nature.A Reddit spokesperson declined to elaborate on Huffmans remarks. But its no secret the company has been eyeing new ways to expand its business since going public earlier this year. Its struck multi million-dollar licensing deals with Google and OpenAI, and has blocked search engines that arent paying the company.Some players in the ecosystem have not been transparent with their use of Reddits content, and in those instances, we block access to protect Reddit content and user privacy, Huffman said. We want to know where Reddit data is going and what it's being used for, and so those are the terms of engagement.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/social-media/reddit-ceo-teases-ai-search-features-and-paid-subreddits-225636988.html?src=rss
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  • Sonos Ace headphones' best feature now works with its Beam and Ray soundbars
    The expansion of TV Swap Audio is the latest update of Sonos' promise to improvement their controversial mobile app.
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  • Reddit reports better-than-expected results for second quarter as digital ad market improves
    Reddit reported better-than-expected results in the second quarter, boosted by data-licensing revenue.
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  • Photos from Unreal Engine's post
    This months free Unreal Engine Marketplace content includes subterranean city environments, knights in armor, an RPG template to level up your project Jump in and get 'em and so much more today!: https://epic.gm/ue-free-content-august-2024
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  • We are 6 weeks away from Unite 2024 Barcelona and our Session Catalog is now LIVE
    We are 6 weeks away from Unite 2024 Barcelona and our Session Catalog is now LIVE. There are so many exciting sessions to attend, and we can't wait to see you there! Check it out and register today: https://on.unity.com/46D7yQ9#Unite2024 #Gamedev
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  • Brokerage outage: Schwab blames high trading volumes and a technical issue
    Charles Schwab & Co. said on Tuesday that high trading volumes and a technical issue with a key vendor triggered temporary outages on its trading platform on Monday, a day when its customers rushed to navigate an outsize market sell-off.A spokesperson for the firm did not identify what kind of technical issue hampered the ability of Schwab clients to log on to their accounts, or name the vendor.A combination of higher volumes and a technical issue with a key vendor affecting our systems led to log-on issues and call wait times that were longer than we expect, the spokesperson said in an emailed statement, adding the issues were resolved and platforms are fully available.Other firms also had issues.Some U.S. customers reported struggling to log in to their accounts at Fidelity and Vanguard on Monday morning, the firms said in social media posts that day, even as Wall Streets main indexes opened sharply lower thanks to weak economic data, underwhelming technology firm earnings reports, and increased anxiety about the geopolitical outlook.Outage tracking website Downdetector reported that nearly 14,500 Schwab users could not access the site, while more than 3,600 users reported problems with Fidelity.Fidelity confirmed that some of its customers experienced intermittent outages on Monday morning but declined additional comment. A spokesperson for Vanguard declined comment on the cause of access issues on Monday at that firm.Steve Sanders, executive vice president at Interactive Brokers, said that in the first 90 minutes of trading on Monday, the firm traded more than 5 million shares, compared to 5.9 million throughout the full trading session Friday. Interactive Brokers said it did not experience any outages on Monday or overnight.Some disappointed investors reached out to Lawrence Klayman, an attorney whose Boca Raton, Florida-based securities law firm KlaymanToskes specializes in pursuing trading-related arbitration claims.The wheels of justice grind slowly, Klayman said, noting that it will take time and research to assemble and file any claims, and that only those investors who lost $100,000 or more may find arbitration a cost-effective remedy.By Suzanne McGee, Reuters
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  • CookFox to convert former New York City prison into affordable housing
    Local architecture studio CookFox Architects has unveiled plans to renovate a former women's prison in Chelsea into "100 per cent" affordable housing.Located just blocks away from the One High Line luxury residential towers by BIG, the building once served merchant marines as the Seamen's House YMCA before it was converted into the Bayview Correctional Facility.Completed in 1931 by architecture firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it features art-deco stylings with a facade of brown brick, caste concrete and terra cotta, recognized for its distinctive chamfered corner entrance inlaid with tiles.In the 1970s New York State converted the building into a women's prison, which was closed and abandoned in 2012 following damage from Superstorm Sandy, and in light of a history of mistreatment of inmates.CookFox Architects has unveiled renderings of an affordable housing project in ChelseaCookFox Architects plans to convert the building into "100 per cent" affordable housing, which will include restoring the facade to its original YMCA state, including nautical detailing, adding an extension to the back of the building, and converting the interior into apartments. The project is tentatively called Liberty Landing.Renderings show the restored nine-storey building topped with a tiered volume of additional apartments."The building will be totally reconfigured to create safe, comfortable, residences within the historic structure," CookFox associate partner Bethany Borel told Dezeen."Our approach is intended to restore the facade and certain interior areas to their original design when the building was completed as [the YMCA], and adapt the structure to accommodate the design of new modern, efficient residences, and expand the building to achieve its full capacity as vital housing for New York's cities most vulnerable families."The project entails converting a former women's prison into affordable housingLiberty Landing will contain 146 total affordable and supportive housing units, as well as a transitional housing shelter, operated independently.88 of the units will be supported through New York's Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI), while the remaining will service families making no more than 80 per cent Area Media Income (AMI), defined as low-income households or below.The project's addition will include extending floor slabs in order to create space for a corridor and apartments while converting the rear brick wall into an interior partition."Existing rear windows will be expanded to become doors into residential units, allowing the full depth of the existing floorplates to be used for modern, efficient residential apartments," said Borel.Read: CookFox Architects adds tiered extension to historic New York apartment building"Expansive, efficient windows" will be fitted into each apartment.Historic interior materials will also be restored and relocated where appropriate, and rooftops and terraces will be converted into gardens for residents.The project also includes expanding the lobby into a double-height space and removing window and roof guards to welcome more light into the building."Window and roof guards will be removed and the iconic art deco entry will be returned to its original design, allowing the building to breathe again," said Borel.An extension and roof gardens will be added to the buildingNew York Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced the project, although CookFox architects noted they do not have a projected completion date.In 2015, the state announced a redevelopment plan to convert the building into non-profit offices focused on providing support for women, according to the New York Times.Other recently completed projects in the area include a showroomfor french designer Pierre Yovanovitch.The images are by CookFox ArchitectsThe post CookFox to convert former New York City prison into affordable housing appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • GoSun's EV Solar Charger Unfolds From Your Car's Roof
    This roofrack-mounted EV Solar Charger is by clean energy company GoSun. You unfurl it once parked, taking advantage of your car's footprint to soak up the maximum amount of sunlight (and keeping your vehicle a bit cooler).The company says the 1,200-watt charger can add 10-20 miles of range per day, and "up to 30"but curiously, they don't mention how long it has to be charging to produce those figures: Eight hours? Twelve hours?The 70-lb object can be installed on a standard roof rack, the company says, in 20 minutes by two people. The asking price is $3,000, "potentially eligible for 30% tax credit." The company is taking pre-orders now, and expects to ship next year.
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