• Davidson Prize 2025 launched to address UK governments 1.5m homes target with focus on quality
    The 25,000 design competition seeks creative solutions to meet the UKs ambitious target of building 1.5 million new homes over the next five yearsThe Davidson Prize has unveiled its 2025 theme, Streets Ahead: The Race to Build 1.5 million Homes, calling on multidisciplinary teams to explore innovative approaches to placemaking and homemaking. The competition, which aims to address the UK governments ambitious housing target, challenges entrants to design 300 homes on a site of their choice while considering sustainability, affordability, and community integration.The brief invites proposals for housing projects across grey, brown, or greenfield sites in urban, suburban, or rural contexts. Teams are asked to balance macro-scale placemaking with the micro-scale experiential aspects of individual living spaces. Areas of focus include the assimilation of housing into its natural and built surroundings, density, materiality, and long-term maintenance and stewardship.Pooja AgrawalPooja Agrawal, chair of the 2025 judging panel and CEO of Public Practice, highlighted the importance of combining quality with quantity in achieving the governments housebuilding goals. She said: The governments ambition to build 1.5 million homes requires not only quantity, but quality homes that are sustainable, affordable, and adaptable to the needs of diverse communities.While a number of practical policy solutions are being rolled out to achieve this ambitious target, theres also a need for creative thinking to tackle this from new directions and find unexpected results.The Davidson Prize, established in 2020, is open to teams that include an ARB-registered UK architect or RIAI-registered Irish architect. The total prize fund is 25,000, with 10,000 awarded to the winner and 5,000 honorariums for three shortlisted finalists.This years Peoples Choice Prize, sponsored by Thomas Heatherwicks Humanise campaign, will invite the public to vote on their favourite project from the longlist.Registration for the competition is open until 31 January 2025, with Stage 1 submissions due by 27 February 2025. The winner will be announced in June 2025, alongside the public announcement of the Peoples Choice Prize. Full details and the competition brief are available on The Davidson Prize website.
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  • Shock approval for Foster + Partners reworked Whitechapel tower
    Planners at the east London authority had recommended refusal for the 17-storey office-led scheme on the City fringe site between Whitechapel High Street and Commercial Road. The proposal was a redesign of an earlier, lower scheme for the same 0.67ha plot in the Whitechapel High Street Conservation Area, which was rejected in 2022.The boroughs officers had said that the latest applications benefits would not outweigh the harm to designated heritage assets, adding that it did not represent high quality or place-sensitive design by virtue of its layout, scale, bulk and height, appearance and architectural features.They also feared the 82.5m-tall scheme which went against the councils development plan would not respect or integrate positively with the finer-grained, low to medium-rise context of the site and would have adverse effects on existing residents and the learning environment at Canon Barnett Primary School.AdvertisementHowever, following a site visit, members of the councils strategic development committee unanimously voted last night (15 January) that they were minded to approve the application, subject to agreed conditions.Councillors said that the scheme would more effectively use the site in an area which already has a lot of tall buildings around it and would remove an existing car park, in turn reducing anti-social behaviour.In 2022 councillors had turned down a previous application featuring a 14-storey block because they had concerns over the schemes height, the demolition of heritage assets, its daylight and sunlight effects on neighbours, and the harm to the setting of the nearby Charles Harrison Townsend-designed Grade II*-listed Whitechapel Gallery.Refused 2022 scheme (left); latest 'minded to approve' scheme (right)Foster + Partners returned last year with a fresh application for the same developer, South Street Asset Management, working with architect Haverstock, which is overseeing the rejig of Canon Barnett Primary School within the development plot.Although the latest scheme is now three storeys taller and has a larger footprint, it involves less demolition, steps back at its edges and would retain, rather than remove, the frontage at 2-4 Commercial Street. The Edwardian faade at 102-105 Whitechapel High Street would be kept, as before.Advertisement The 2024 scheme promises to create 3,260 jobs, provide incubator spaces for small and medium-sized businesses and includes a relocated and expanded playground for the primary school.But the changes did not allay the fears of either heritage campaigners or Historic England, and Tower Hamlets planning officers are also unconvinced.The scheme has also prompted 294 objections.Speaking before last night's meeting SAVE Britains Heritage conservation officer Lydia Franklin said that an office block towering 17 storeys above its neighbours is not what this area needs adding that a building of this scale would tear through the conservation area, which was created to draw a clear line between the bristling towers of the City fringe and the very different character of the historic East End.Historic England had said it could not support the plans, claiming the height and massing would starkly contrast with the human scale of the surrounding buildings. It said the robust Victorian commercial character of the retained faade of 2-4 Commercial Street would be significantly undermined by the overbearing presence of the 18-storey building immediately behind and partly cantilevering over the frontage.Foster + Partners, Haverstock and South Street Asset Management have been contacted for comment.
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  • An Expert Explains Why You're Washing Your Coffee Maker Too Often
    If you're like me, you might strive to make the best possible cup of coffee at home but can get overwhelmed (read: lazy) once scales and tampers get involved. I reached out to Sarina Prabasi, who founded the Buunni roastery and trio of coffeehouses in Northern Manhattan. The assignment was to root out simple mistakes people overlook when brewing coffee at home.Buunni specializes in ethically sourced beans from growing regions across Ethiopia, where coffee leans fruity, floral, and at times, fragrant like tea. The Prabasi relocated with her husband and business partner from Ethiopia, bringing the country's ethos for hospitality and high-quality coffee with them. The team also creates custom Buunni blends with select beans from around the globe. As a micro-roaster who serves on the board of the Specialty Coffee Association, Prabasi offered some insight into how to make simple adjustments for a better cup of coffee. She also isn't one to sweat the small stuff. "You know, we take coffee seriously, but we don't want to take ourselves too seriously," said Prabasi. "So it has to be something enjoyable, otherwise, why would you do it?"1. Washing your coffee maker too often with detergent Even the slightest film of soap residue can taint your next cup. Brian Bennett/CNETDitching the soap for your coffee pot and pour-over immersion brewer might seem like dubious advice. In reality, your coffee equipment doesn't need a scrub down every time you use it. Even small layers of residue from fragrant dish soap or washing detergent will leave you with a sudsy and subpar pot of coffee."It really stays in there; it can mess with the flavor, and so, usually, a good rinse with super hot water is enough for black coffee," said Prabasi. Oils from the beans may build up over time, so a fragrance-free dish soap comes in handy for the occasional deep clean. A simple rinse with hot water will more than suffice for daily use, however. Save yourself time and avoid any unwanted essence of "soap scum" interrupting the notes of your single-origin Sidama natural roast. 2. Buying more coffee than you can brew fresh Coffee beans are one pantry staple you shouldn't buy in bulk. Mikolette/Getty ImagesBuying in bulk can save time and money at the grocery store but can have disappointing results for coffee drinkers. Purchasing smaller quantities of beans will help avoid drinking stale, flat coffee, especially for the average drinker and households with two or one people. Probasi told us that you'll know coffee has gone stale because it "can taste like a shadow of itself."The roaster recommends looking for a roast date on the coffee label within one month or ideally within two weeks. (Keep in mind, the "best buy" date is different and, unfortunately, isn't an indicator of freshness.) If you're someone who doesn't like to grind at home, the roast date needs to be on the fresher side. All that said, you needn't panic about declining flavor like a ticking time bomb in your cupboard. "Every day post-roast doesn't mean it's losing freshness, but after two weeks, I'd say it starts to go down," said Prabasi. Store coffee in an airtight container, but avoid the humid fridge with its plethora of smells that can stick to the beans.3. Adjusting more than one thing at a timeYou can find tutorials online recommending brewers, scales, tampers, water filters, grinders and miscellaneous techniques to make the perfect cup. Experimentation is key to crafting your favorite brew but only if you start with the basics. "So, just adjust only the water in the beginning," said Prabasi.If you don't have a kitchenkitchen scale, the roaster told us the rule of thumb is to start with two tablespoons of ground coffee per cup of water. The finer the grind, the stronger your coffee will taste, so you'll need to adjust the grounds-to-water ratio accordingly. If that seems too weak or too strong, then adjust by adding more or less coffee at the same grind level. Beyond the basics, you can get creative. "If your coffee is too sour, it's maybe that you prefer a dark roast," said Prabasi. Coffee too bitter? You can adjust the type of roast by buying a level down, such as a dark to medium or medium to light. "If you got a coffee from East Africa, maybe try one from South America, you know, like switch [it] around," she said. Changing one element at once ensures you know which step affected the result for better or worse.4. Taking water straight from the tap Filtered water makes better coffee. AarkeFilling your coffee pot with tap water will yield less-than-ideal flavors. Filtered water, for most of us, will make a big difference in your coffee's final flavor. Tap water is often full of byproducts that can easily be filtered with a home water filtration system.Almost all of the water you get from the tap in the US is disinfected with low levels of chlorine. The EPA reports that one in five people drink chloramines, a backup disinfectant made of chlorine and ammonia, to kill harmful viruses and bacteria like salmonella. These chemicals make sure we don't get sick but will alter the taste and smell of tap water. Chloramines are also known to strip lead and copper from pipes, byproducts that can affect even the most carefully prepared coffee.5. Ignoring the coffee aroma Patrick Holland/CNETSmell can be a dead giveaway that your coffee has gone stale. Prabasi explains that you should immediately open a bag of beans or ground coffee and be able to smell that roasted coffee scent. Aroma is a key indicator of flavor. No aroma means a serious lack of taste.Prabasi said stale coffee can taste muddy or flat and lack any complex tasting notes that a bag might list on its label. "That's why I think for in the coffee profession, so much of what we do is tasting coffee," she said. "From the farm to the coffee shop, every step of the way coffee gets tasted or cupped, in our vernacular."Old coffee isn't likely to make you sick, so there's no need to toss it. You might want, however, to shift from taking your coffee black. Making iced coffee is a simple way to mask the lack of tasting notes. Using an immersion brewer also allows you to steep grounds longer to add a bit more flavor after coffee has dulled.6. Skipping the organic label Don't sleep on organic coffee even if it costs a few bucks more. Peace CoffeeThe multitude of coffee brands at the grocery store can feel overwhelming. To help sift through the masses, Prabasi explains the organic coffee label is a sign of quality that's important for coffee."If you can, then I think for coffee and tea, organic is really important because coffee and tea crops, especially from large farms, tend to get really over-sprayed," Prabasi said. Pesticides are sprayed right onto the coffee cherries, and coffee is unlike an apple that you can wash or a banana that you peel before eating. Tea leaves go through a similar process where anything left on the leaves will then be steeped into your mug.The coffeehouse owner made it clear that she doesn't believe coffee needs to be expensive to be considered "good." Great coffee is made for a variety of budgets. "I think the care that goes into and some reflection on the care that goes into sourcing it, to roasting it, or just serving it, I would be looking for those things," said Prabasi. The organic label is a helpful place to start.7. Always taking your coffee 'to go' Coffee isn't just fuel for your morning, it's the perfect excuse to engage and unwind. Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty ImagesEven if you don't think of coffee as purely a means to an end, many of us treat coffee as simply fuel. Taking coffee in a travel mug to drink as part of a commute isn't inherently a problem. Prabasi instead invites coffee drinkers to take advantage of any time and ability to savor a cup of coffee. In contrast to the grab-and-go culture in the US, drinking coffee in Ethiopia is an opportunity to slow down and connect with people you care about. "And I like to say -- like, I lived in Ethiopia for eight years -- I never heard anybody say, 'I'm gonna grab a coffee,'" Prabasi said. "It was always, 'Let's have coffee. Shall we have coffee?'"Even taking an extra 10 minutes to drink your brew at a cafe instead of requesting a to-go cup can shift the energy of a frenetic morning. "I think there is lot of ritual around coffee and how one enjoys it," Prabasi said. Taking the time to create your own ritual, whether at home or in a local shop, can help you savor all that coffee has to offer beyond its caffeine content.For more coffee intel, here's how to read coffee labels andthe best travel mugs of 2025, tested by CNET.
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  • The Supreme Courts Trans Health Case Shows Why Patients Should Make the Decisions
    OpinionJanuary 16, 20255 min readThe Supreme Courts Case on Trans Health Shows Why Patients Should Make the DecisionsSupreme Court arguments over trans health care makes plain how badly we need personalized health care in all of medicineBy Meredithe McNamara & Dan Murphy edited by Dan VerganoA transgender rights supporter takes part in a rally outside of the U.S. Supreme Court as the high court hears arguments in a case on transgender health rights on December 04, 2024 in Washington, DC. Kevin Dietsch/Getty ImagesSince 2021 a legal tug-of-war over state bans on health care for transgender youth has wound through U.S. courts. Many judges ruled that bans discriminate against a group of people who should enjoy constitutional protections. Others sustained states claims that such bans protect minors and that trans youth should wait until legal adulthood to be themselves.Now the question before the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Skrmetti is one of sex-based discrimination. Does Tennessees ban on gender-affirming care violate the Constitution because it imposes differential access to hormones and puberty-pausing medications on the basis of sex?In Decembers arguments many of the flawed pseudoscientific justifications for this ban were rehashed, but the justices are tasked with an opinion on the constitutional merits of the case, rather than scientific evidence. Even so, it bears noting that Tennessees law is a bad-faith policy that bans medical care in totality over claims that treatment-supporting research doesnt clear an arbitrary bar set by politicians; especially as they set that bar far above acceptable standards in every other area of medicine.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.With a final decision anticipated this year, SCOTUSs ruling may also address the fundamental question posed by these bans: in what tier of society should a persons medical decisions be madeby patients and their families, or by the state? As health policy veers toward hyperregulation, Americans need an answer.During arguments, Chief Justice John Roberts reflected on his benchs inadequacy in this area: ... my understanding is that the Constitution leaves that question to the peoples representatives rather than to nine people, none of whom is a doctor. Legal scholars recognize his observation as a question about rational basis: a judicial test that courts apply to determine whether a law represents legitimate government interest or encroaches on the peoples constitutional rights. This signals the possibility that SCOTUS may allow the peoples representatives to be the final stop for trans peoples medical decisions.As medical and mental health professionals, we are gravely concerned by the implication that the medical decisions at stake in Skrmetti belong to neither the people nor their providers. We know from experience there is no good proxy for the people when it comes to decisions on their own health. A ruling that assigns medical decision-making power to anyone but the people poses imminent harm to everyone. Lessons from trans health care about the irreplaceable role of the patient could pave the way for a better understanding of whats truly at stake.This siege on trans health care involves so much more than the medications and surgeries subject to bans; what it at risk is a paragon of good health care. Where most medical protocols aim to standardize rather than individualize care, it is remarkable that trans health is scaffolded by guidelines that do both.For example, those guidelines call for a bidirectional transfer of knowledge based on the idea that patients and providers hold nonoverlapping areas of expertise. We provide expert knowledge of medical and mental health care, while the patient provides expert knowledge of their own lived experiences. This is why the guidelines recommend providers and patients begin by taking ample time to get to know each other, then proceed with creating a specific, sensitive care plan.While gender dysphoria is the diagnostic code for that plan, the therapeutic goal is the uplift that comes from authentic self-expression: gender euphoria. Facilitating gender euphoria is associated with psychological resilience and positive health outcomes, but in an openly disparaging social environment, it is painfully difficult to cultivate. Even with constitutional workplace protections, one in five trans people report employment discrimination. They face bathroom bans that make it a felony to empty their bladder in public facilitiesredolent of the separate but equal policies of racial segregation. In addition to this widespread stigma, trans people face violent crime at more than four times the rate of their cisgender peers.We have no treatment for these dignity-shredding realities. Instead we help our patients capture and retain a sense of future orientation, and we celebrate their well-being amidst this storm. One of our patients said it best: Coming out is the hardest thing Ive ever done. But for the first time in my life, I dont want to die. I want to see my own future.It is no surprise to us how measures of continuation of care and satisfaction in trans health consistently land among the highest in medicine. How many people would benefit if this deep fidelity to the bioethical principle of respect for persons was similarly expressed throughout health care? Take obstetrics, for example, where one in five report mistreatment during pregnancy in a health care setting. What if every pregnant persons values, family structures, health profiles, social context, life stories and mental health were revered and respected by a trusted care team? How many more people would feel safer during one of the most vulnerable periods of their lives? When the peoples representatives are permitted to decide against the principle of respect for persons, as SCOTUS has allowed in reproductive health, they lead us further away from the care everyone deserves.Bans do most of their work through intimidation, and harm people from all walks of life. In one instance weve met a teen with a developmental disability who relies on a hormonal treatment to prevent intractable menstrual seizures. She can no longer receive it because its banned for trans youth in her home state, and authorities are combing through prescribing databases. Shes not trans, but her pediatrician cant risk his licensure when thousands of kids rely on him.Weve also met people who dont identify as LGBTQ+ but prefer specialists who offer interventions that foster identity formation and community-building behavior. For many, these staples of queer mental health are a balm for the loneliness epidemic. But practitioners worry that the welcoming pride flags on their websites have become homing beacons for bad actors. Attorneys general in states with bans on gender-affirming care are notorious for abusing their privileges to scour medical records looking for trans people who travel to receive banned care in other states. From a providers perspective, when it comes to the ethical dilemma of being unable to guarantee confidentiality, the safest approach may be to move practice outside the jurisdiction of a state ban.Lawmakers who advance medical bans are neither the people nor their providers. They have no wherewithal to wield the medical authority they have seized. They have no reverence for the fact that the underlying principles of trans health could make everyone healthier. Instead, they have crafted laws that carve out health care from the constitutional right to equal protection under the law. We have watched laws like Tennessees invade the lives of our patients, and we call for accountability now. On behalf of our patients, and especially those who are transgender, we urge SCOTUS to recognize lawmakers medical incompetence and restore the irreplaceable role of the patient in making medical decisions. If they dont, well all be sicker.This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American. The authors' opinions are solely their own and dont represent any organization they are affiliated with.
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  • Nintendo Switch 2 trailer appears to confirm Joy Con mouse functionality
    Nintendo Switch 2 trailer appears to confirm Joy Con mouse functionalityTake a squeak.Image credit: Nintendo News by Victoria Kennedy News Reporter Published on Jan. 16, 2025 Guys, it is here. After what feels like days and days (and daaaaays) of page refreshes and thumb twiddling, Nintendo has finally lifted the lid perhaps not fully but some way off its much anticipated Switch successor.Today's short trailer for Switch 2, to give it its proper name, is clearly designed to merely whet appetites at this time. Nintendo has announced a Direct in April when we can expect more details on the console, and maybe even what games we can expect to see (in addition to today's confirmation a new Mario Kart game is on the cards).But, while short, this trailer has seemingly confirmed that the Switch 2's Joy Cons will boast that previously rumoured mouse functionality. At one point during the trailer, two Joy Cons can be seen being pushed by an invisable force along a flat service, their wrist straps out the back like little mouse tails. Meanwhile, there seems to be some kind of attachment that gives the side of the Joy-Con a smooth edge. Image credit: NintendoWhat do you think about this potential change to the Joy Con's function?
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  • Nintendo Switch 2 backward compatibility doesnt support every original Switch game
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereThe Nintendo Switch 2 has been officially announced, confirming the long-leaked successor to Nintendos popular handheld.Alongside the consoles announcement, Nintendo confirmed that the new machine will be able to play original Switch titles in backward compatibility. However, not all games will run on the new machine.Nintendo Switch 2 backward compatibility isnt perfectIn the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal trailer, the company made sure to show off backward compatibility as a feature of the new machine. In the trailer, Super Mario Wonder can be seen playing on both an original Switch and its successor.The trailer explains that both digital and physical versions of games will run on the new handheld, albeit not all of them. While no specific titles were mentioned, it explains that some games will be unplayable on the new machine.Nintendo Switch 2 plays both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games, the trailer says. Certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch 2.The company explained that further details will be revealed on the Nintendo website at a later date.Its unsurprising to hear that some games will suffer on the new machine, especially considering the gulf in power between the two. While they maintain similar architecture according to leaks there is a substantial difference between the two. After all, not every PS4 game runs on the PlayStation 5.With eight years of games, many of which are shovelware on the eShop, its almost inconceivable that every Switch title could even be tested on the new machine, let alone run flawlessly. However, most major titles should run without major issues on the new machine.Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • Virtual Event: So Your Client Is a Supermodel
    Everyone dreams of landing their first celebrity client. But what is it actually like working with one?AD has a long history of covering supermodels at home, and famous fashionistas make up some of our most legendary covers over the years. Top model Paloma Elsesser recently joined these ranks with her cool, collected, and super personal Brooklyn home, which graces ADs February issue.On Wednesday, February 19 at 1:00 p.m. ET, senior design editor Hannah Martin sits down with Gregory Rockwell and Hester Hodde, the creative team behind the project, to hear about working around a client's nonstop travel schedule, custom designing features to fit her specific needs, and how exactly they accommodated her vastand growingclothing collection.This virtual event is free and open to all. Register here to attend.
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  • Intel and NVIDIA drivers holding back a public SteamOS release, Valve not trying to compete with Windows
    Idk why but the quote button is missing in LibreWorlf@soulsource - And yet, most Windows users I have talked to recently fail to see any issues with ads showing up in their application launcher, or in their notifications. Or stuff randomly breaking. Or...At this point I have given up on trying to convince people to switch. They obviously enjoy sitting on a cactus.
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  • Nintendo Switch 2 launch titles: these games almost certainly aren't that, but they definitely should be
    Mari-no, not quiteNintendo Switch 2 launch titles: these games almost certainly aren't that, but they definitely should beCome on Nintendo, you know these would help give your Switch 2 a new console some extra oomph.Image credit: VG247/Various Publishers Article by Mark Warren Senior Staff Writer Additional contributions byConnor Makar, Dom Peppiatt, James Billcliffe, Kelsey Raynor, Oisin Kuhnke, and Rebecca JonesPublished on Jan. 16, 2025 Its happened. The Nintendo Switch 2s era of being a technically unannounced thing that everyone and their mother knows is coming has been brought to an end by the reveal weve all been waiting for.So, now weve seen the hardware, but there wasnt much in the way of reveals of games well be able to play on it at launch, even if theres been plenty of speculation about that kind of thing recently.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. So, with that in mind, here are some games we here at VG247 are fairly sure dont have a strong chance of actually being Switch 2 launch titles, but would be in an ideal world. You know, that one Lionel Hutz from The Simpsons pictures when he dreams of ambulance chasers not existing.Conkers Bad Fur Day, you cowardsIts time for Nintendo to look backwards. To do something its never done before - embrace its past. No, not the nice, comfy bits that dont have flowers with huge breasts, the concept of binge drinking, or a giant opera-singing pile of s**t. Its time to use all of the Switch 2s extra processing power and gizmos to deliver 2001 N64 classic Conkers Bad Fur Day back into the laps of Ninty fans.Sure, the suits are going to take one look at it and immediately book themselves into therapy, but Xbox has proven that its ok to give a modern audience some Conker through the likes of the Rare Replay, and surely with a bit of the corporate platform-holder collaboration that more popular than ever right now, he can join the likes of Turok and Perfect Dark as N64 things thatve gotten Switch releases. Make the squirrel the face of the Switch 2. You know you want to.Surprise! Xbox 360 exclusives finally become less exclusiveEverything's an Xbox now, right? So logically, the Switch 2 is also an Xbox. This mind-blowing revelation is sure to prove true to some extent, with new and recent Microsoft-produced games more or less a dead cert for an appearance on the platform, but "we can get weirder with it" is basically the VG247 guarantee, so here we go...There's a whole generation of players who never owned an Xbox 360 who therefore may have never known the joys of gaming classics like must-play sequel Fable 2, the original Saints Row, or Sonic Free Riders (hey, I have to assume that's been a thorn in the side of at least one Sonic completionist, somewhere out there). You have to remember that during the 360 era, Microsoft was so cagey with its rights to some popular and promising IPs that even its own PCs weren't allowed to be Xboxes. How times do change.What we're proposing here is simple: an end to Xbox 360 exclusivity that bypasses the way-too-obvious choice of remastering any of these games for Microsoft's current-gen hardware and instead drops them all as-is on the Switch 2. They'll run great so Ninty will look great; games will be preserved; and Microsoft can keep calling everyone else's consoles an Xbox. Everybody wins (except maybe Sony). Sorry Odyssey, you're just pretty good. | Image credit: NintendoForget whatever 3D Mario Nintys got cooking up, we need Super Mario Galaxy 3Look, this might be a bit of a hot take for some, but I think Super Mario Odyssey was just pretty good! It had some fun challenges, I thought the Dark Soulsy world was pretty funny, it just didn't really have enough of that magical whimsy Super Mario Galaxy oozed. So, I think they should make another one, and that it should come right out the gate. Think about it: when was the last time you were happy? That's right, your childhood! And it's all thanks to Super Mario Galaxy, one of the most delightful 3D platformers around.The soundtrack, the planets, the surprisingly sad backstory and absolutely existentially terrifying ending? Nintendo just doesn't really roll like that with Mario any more and I think that's a damn shame. A third entry in the Super Mario Galaxy series would probably be seen as a nostalgia ploy, and it very well could be, but I'd rather that than have it struggle to reinvent 3D Mario once again (besides, Nintendo already did that with Bowser's Fury, which if we're being even more honest is the Mario game most deserving of some kind of follow-up). Give it a think, Nintendo, even though your console is due out in a matter of months. I'm sure you can whip something up easy peasy!Forget about modern Mario altogether, we need yet another release of Super Mario 64Like Oisin, I also wish to see Super Mario Galaxy 3 come to fruition one day. Though, there's one 3D Mario game that I'd love to see on the Switch 2 even more, and that's Super Mario 64... again. I say again, because Super Mario 64 has made its way onto a good portion of existing Nintendo consoles in one way or another since the game's conception. We received Super Mario 64 DS, which had its own new, nifty little features for both veterans and newcomers to rejoice in, and later, that version was available on the Wii U via its virtual console. On top of that, we received Super Mario 3D All Stars for Switch, which not only had Super Mario Galaxy and Sunshine among the roster, but Super Mario 64 too.For Switch 2, however, I want to see Super Mario 64 rereleased with the Nintendo DS treatment; no fancy collections or re-releases, just Super Mario 64 Switch 2, or something a little catchier than that.Forget about a new 3D Mario game, forget about Super Mario Galaxy 3, and forget about Mario and Sonic's middling Olympic events. I need another excuse to play Super Mario 64 again, and this time, I need to play it on Switch 2 as Yoshi. Please, we'll do anything. | Image credit: Square EnixSleeping Dogs 2, because come on, manIts not fair. Weve gone this long without a sequel to perhaps the greatest game set in Hong Kong and with a protagonist called Wei of all time, and now weve even had our dreams of a slumbering canines movie starring Donnie Yen shattered by the brutal reality of a Hollywood that clearly doesnt appreciate its not quite GTAs.Nintendo, come on. Please say youve lent on Square so hard to provide you with top notch Switch 2 launch games that its panicked, momentarily forgotten it owns Final Fantasy, and greenlit a second Chinese triad undercover cop thing before coming to its senses. Seriously, I cant think of a better platform for Sleeping Dogs 2 to debut on. Its got a screen, buttons, everything. Theres no other game that can show those and all the new gizmos off like this one.Sonic and Mario at the Summer Wii Sports Winter OlympicsFamously, the Nintendo DS was built to withstand falling out of a childs pocket, but with the Switch 2, Nintendo needs to take things further to really impress us.The new hybrid console provides an unparalleled opportunity for immersive, olympic play.I will accept no less than real, throwable discus events, but will settle for the console being used as either the bat or the ball in table tennis.Unfortunately, downhill skiing will have to be a multiplayer-only event since you need one console attached to each of your feet. Image credit: AtlusShin Megami Tensei 4 + Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse Mega PackThere have been vague and unsubstantiated rumours about Shin Megami Tensei 4 and its (arguably better B-side spin-off) Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse coming to Nintendo Switch for a while. These two games - stellar entries in Atlus RPG series - are locked on the 3DS, vaguely forgotten about and now unable for purchase thanks to the closure of the eShop on the handheld.Its criminal, I tell you. Criminal! Both titles are superb executions of how to do proper dungeon-crawling role-playing in this day in age. Both titles revisit the golden era of apocalyptic noir in such an interesting way, and both made little tweaks to the MegaTen formula that would eventually find their way into either Metaphor Refantazio or the Persona series. Ergo; the two titles are just as important to Atlus as that wonderful re-release of MegaTen 5 we saw in the summer of last year.Itd be nice to see Nintendo and Atlus team up to get these titles back in our hands in a meaningful way, and if the Switch 2 is just going to be the Switch but better, then I can see fun and interactive ways of making the touch screen work whilst also giving us the real estate to see whats going on in the other screen, too. I know its a hard thing for Nintendo to do, porting 3DS titles to Switch, but weve seen games excel at this elsewhere; Monster Hunter Generations, Hyrule Warriors Legends Definitive Edition, Resident Evil Revelations, and Laytons Mystery Journey are just a few examples that spring to mind. This port is doable, and - in my opinion - essential.It's time, PC gamers. Nintendo should nick all of your sweaty shooters and also StarcraftY'know what, I, like many of you out there, have seen that video of someone allegedly using a Switch 2 joycon as a mouse. While this might be yet another bogus clip on the pile of phony Switch 2 leaks, it has got me thinking. Why not get some PC bangers on the Switch 2? I, for one, would love some Counter Strike 2 or Valorant on the console.Now, before you all laugh, no crossplay with PC. Obviously. I, like you, don't want a Switch 2 Awper responsible for clutching out a round. That's ridiculous. But with Valorant already on consoles, why not? Why not bring the Switch to the realm of tactical shooters. If you're a 30-something year old and think you won't get out-aimed by a 12 year old on a Switch, I've got news for you buddy. The future is now, and you're not in it. All you've got to look at is all the Fortnite mobile gamers busting moves on other players as proof of that.These sorts of games, that for years have been seen as PC titles, can make the leap. While we're at it, why not venture into other PC games that could do with some Switch love? Starcraft, for one. If in the next few years I see someone pull out their Switch 2 at the airport and Zerg rush on-the-go, I'll know we've made it.So, there you go, there are the games were desperate to see as Nintendo Switch 2 launch titles. They wont be, but life is a constant cycle of unbridled hope and often slightly disappointing by comparison reality, with the hope bit being both what makes it all so enthralling, and so soul-warping.New console releases are often like that too, but heres hoping Nintendos delivered something great, even if we wont be playing these games on it right out of the box.
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  • Switch 2 Will Be Backwards Compatible With Physical And Digital 'Switch 1' Games
    Image: NintendoWrapping up the Switch 2 teaser trailer, Nintendo provided more clarification on the new console's backwards compatibility, namely confirming that it will be able to play both physical and digital 'Switch 1' games.Showing an image of Super Mario Bros. Wonder playing on both the old and new handhelds, Nintendo confirmed that the new console "Plays Nintendo Switch 2 exclusive games, as well as Nintendo Switch games".This, it quickly clarified, includes "both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games".Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube792kWatch on YouTube However, it seems that this might come with a catch, as the accompanying line reads:Certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch 2.Details will be shared on the Nintendo website at a later date.Image: NintendoAdmittedly, we'd imagine that the "Certain Nintendo Switch games" in question are likely just LABO products, but who knows! Wait for those elusive website details, we guess.Still not all the information on backwards compatibility, then, but certainly a better idea than the somewhat cryptic tweet that Nintendo revealed last November. It's looking good!The wait is over!Switch InspectionAre you pleased to hear Switch 2 will support physical and digital backwards compatibility? Let us know in the comments.See AlsoShare:00 Jim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related ArticlesNintendo Asks Wii U Owners To Refrain From Using "Unauthorised" Online ServicesUpdate: Pretendo respondsNintendo Breaks Silence On 'Switch 2' Image And Video LeaksThe "official" announcement will take place this fiscal yearRumour: 'Switch 2' Will Reportedly Be Officially Revealed This ThursdayThough software won't be the focusIs This Our Best Look Yet At 'Switch 2'?Update: Genki had a visit from Nintendo's lawyers, it's claimed
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